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From Average to Expert, Becoming Better at Writing - Part 1

While there is nothing wrong in being an average writer, most of us crave to be better. Writing is a skill and a talent. If you have always had the passion to write, you could describe yourself as having the talent. However, since writing is also a skill, it takes time to achieve expertise.

Defining your why is an important step in becoming a better writer. Why do you want to be a writer? What is attractive about a particular genre? Why do you want to get better? When you define your why, it becomes your drive and motivation.

The process of becoming better at anything is, most times, full of challenges. It is also not an overnight process and it takes time to get to where you want to be. The passion you had at the beginning is what carries you through the tough times. It becomes your guiding light even when everything appears hazy and you are tempted to quit.

Another way to become a better writer is simply through writing every day; if not by writing every single day, at least often. You get better at any skill by continuous practice. This requires some amount of dedication. Commitment is what separates the quitters and the average from the winners. You must want it badly enough to dedicatedly work on it.

To make this work, set aside time to write, a period in which you can work without distractions and you can be the most productive. It could be in the morning before anyone else wakes up or in the evenings when everyone else is asleep. Ensure that the time you select works for you.

After allocating a specific period of time when you can write, carry on the habit for a particular timeline. Some advocate twenty-one days to form the habit while others, thirty. You can select whatever duration of time that works for you but it should be long enough to ensure that you form the habit. In the beginning, it may be hard, but as you continue, writing becomes easier and you become better.

As you write, have realistic expectations. Only in a few instances do writers become overnight successes. Some take years before anyone takes notice of their work. Patience is important during the process of becoming better. You will encounter rejection and sometimes you may want to stop working at it, but if you remain optimistic and ensure you have a realistic point of view of what it takes, you will get there with time.

Identify your weak areas and work at them. Every writer struggles with some aspect of writing. For some it is dialogue, for others, it could be creating a fitting end to the story. Whatever it is, you want to identify your weak area so that you can allocate more time to that area. This is crucial since you could spend a lot of time practicing but you may be working on only your strong points and ignoring the weaker areas which are more vital in this process.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu