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From Average to Expert, Becoming Better at Writing - Part 2

If you are not sure what your weak area is, solicit feedback from an experienced writer or from one of your readers. Your channels in gaining feedback could be social media, a writers' group or approaching a close friend who understands the writing process. Aggregate the information you acquire and look for similarities. Evaluate your own work and consider each suggestion and work on improving on the areas that you are weak at.

While working on your weak points, break them down into specific areas. If you are weak at characterization, identify its different components and allocate time for each area. In the case of characterization, it could be you are weak at building the hero of the story, creating realistic characters or developing a character as the plot moves forward. The more specific you can be, the higher the chances of getting better at writing.

Identify ways that you can measure your progress so that you can track your development. You can ask for feedback again after a while and compare the feedback you received before you began the process of improving your writing skills. Feedback from editors and publishers, if accessible, can guide you to what you need to work on and whether you have made progress in the earlier weaker areas.

Reading books from experts and analyzing how they are able to craft the characters and stories that you admire could also help you become a better writer. Keep reading from the experts and their expertise might rub off on you. As you read, notice and evaluate each element of writing carefully and think of how you can include new features that will improve your work. Think of why their characterization, dialogues, themes, pace and other parts of writing stand out compared to yours. Continue reading, evaluating and incorporating new and better elements into your own work until you get to the point where you want to be.

Do not be afraid to fail. Failure will generate new points for learning which will make you a better writer. Every time you fail, you also become better and your goal draws closer. Do not be afraid to take risks; the more you venture out of your comfort zone, the faster you will learn as you grow. Avoid trying to be perfect, at least at the beginning. No writer is perfect and becoming an expert is a goal that results from a process of falling, rising, falling again and learning.

Consider using different approaches to learning. While writing every day has its benefits, sparing time to learn from different sources is equally beneficial. You could listen to a podcast, read a book or catch up on the latest information from your favorite blogs on the subject. This way, you break up routine and learning becomes a fun process that you can look forward to and not an activity to be endured. You also learn faster as you have more interest in growing.

Growing from being an average writer to become an expert takes time and dedication. However, it can be done by incorporating innovative and exciting ideas to continue learning.



Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu