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Gain More Readers by Starting a Blog

If an author wants to gain more readers, is starting a blog necessary? This is the question we’ll try to answer. There are many reasons why people create a blog. It is a way to express their opinions, share their experiences, and to provide information that people will find relevant. Some do it for the money as well—as they write to be paid. For authors who recently published their book, a blog has a very important function. It can help the author gain more readers.

Writing the book itself is not the end, nor is the actual selling of the book. A writer should gain more readers through time especially if his or her aim as an author is to publish and sell several books. So what must an author do in order to gain more readers? The answer is to start a blog!

Self-published authors need a blog in order to sell books and to gain more readers. For writers who haven’t published anything yet but intend to do so in the future, blogging is a way to gain future readers and customers. For authors who have literary agents and have publishing history, a blog can also help them gain more readers other than those who actually read their works.

The next question is how can authors gain more readers by starting a blog? Here are a few things you might need to know.

First, the internet is readily available to people, whether they are readers or not. Because of its availability, having a blog can make it easier for people to search about the author and his works. You don’t know who may stumble upon your blog, especially if other readers promote your blog to their friends and social network pages. Through that simple process, you can gain more readers.

Second, authors gain more readers by starting a blog because readers are not only interested in the book but in the author as well. Since blogs are an author’s way to tell readers about their books and their opinions, entries in the author’s blog may serve as additional information to readers of what is not included in the book. It may also serve as a promotional page for your subsequent articles and books. Plus, you can promote book signing and book reading events through your blog.

Third, authors interact with their readers through their blog. Writers who interact more with their readers are more likely to sell their books especially when their readers recommend their books to other people by word of mouth. In case there is a question in the minds of readers, it can be asked and answered through the author’s blog. A friendly author who writes good and interesting books will have more readers eventually.

Lastly, your blog entries can be recommended to other readers as well especially if they are interesting. You can gain more readers simply because people who notice your blog and find it interesting may soon read your printed work. Although blogging only pays off through time, it yields a positive outcome for the author, particularly the widening of the reader base he already has.