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Getting into Food Writing (Part 2 of 2)

You can tap new restaurants for your food reviews. Restaurant owners are open to food reviews because it gives them free advertisement and publicity. Visit any new restaurant and find out who is its operator. Introduce yourself and tell them what you do. If you have a favorite restaurant that many people don’t know about, write a piece on it. Tell people about the restaurant's history, owner, and the type of food it serves. Publications are always on the lookout for promising new restaurants. Publishing a new find is considered a scoop.

Magazines on food, travel, lifestyle, and nightlife offer further opportunities for you as a freelance food writer. These niche publications will always publish food articles. The best part is, you can write different articles related to your niche. You are not limited to describing food alone. For example, you can write how-to articles, interviews, restaurant history, recipes, cookware, and kitchen appliance reviews. Each of these articles fills a need for specific readers. For example, an out-of-town tourist will need to find the best places to eat or a homemaker is looking for the best juice blender in the market. For the latter, your product review can help your reader decide on what product to buy. These types of writing allow you to become even more flexible as a contributor. The more article types you can write, the more writing assignments you can snag. The best part is that you reach a wider audience.

You might think that only writers living in a big city can carve a name in this niche. Many food writers live in small towns. Not all the great places to eat are located in large cities. Food entrepreneurs put up new eats and diners in small cities and you can check this out. Where can people find the best shrimp sandwich? Which diner serves unlimited coffee? Which restaurant is open 24/7? These are some frequently asked questions from consumers that you can address. You can submit your articles to regional publications. Like parks and museums, restaurants are places of interest for people, especially for out-of-towners. You are helping to promote tourism in lesser-known cities.

If you have proven yourself as a food writer, you could also write copy for food products. Food companies need brochures, flyers, banner ads, and press releases. You can cold pitch a company and introduce yourself. Tell them who you are, what you can do for them, and show samples of your work.  

Food will always be a popular topic. Like other types of freelance writing, your productivity and success will depend on your writing output and how well you can write. But the best part of carving a name in this niche is that you combine your love of food with your love of writing in the same way that book reviewers combine their love of reading and writing. If you believe you can hack it, then start your freelance food writing. Enjoy the food and the writing.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Vincent Dublado