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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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Growth Tips for the Beginner - Part 2

Edit, edit again and then again

Writing does not end when the book is done; editing should be part of the writing process itself just as actual writing is. It does not matter how great a book is, if the editing is not done thoroughly and professionally, it will likely be just another ordinary book. Editing makes a great book a masterpiece. It is therefore important to take more time editing your work than you did when writing. Seek the services of a professional editor who has experience in the genre that your book belongs to. The process of editing might slow down the process of seeing your book on shelves but it is well worth it.

Be ready to let go

To be downright honest, there are pieces that we write that never get the attention we think they deserved. As a creator, you will always be partial to your own work. Unfortunately, not everyone will consider your work great. After working hard and pitching as much as you can to different publications and continuously getting rejections, it gets to a point where you have to let go. If you decided to go the self-publishing route and you are sure you have done everything possible to sell your book but you are not getting anywhere, it might be time to move on. Every great author knows when it is time to finally let go.

Develop other interests apart from writing

The inspiration to write many times stems from activities that are not related to writing itself like sports, social events, travel or even simple activities such as people observation. To be a great writer, it will benefit your work if you expand your interests to accommodate something new once in a while. Mixing with different types of people will also give you various ideas of people’s perspectives. If you are not able to expand your network, try daydreaming and creating different scenarios in your head. Great storytellers are great daydreamers. If the stories going on in your mind interest you, they might interest someone else.

Do not be afraid to take the first step

Unlike other “stable” jobs, writing can be risky and therefore daunting. Taking the first step will only take you closer to your goal. As a beginner, your first work may not be your best but it is the best way to get to success. You only make it by trying and trying again and with every step you learn something. When starting, you have also less to lose which should encourage you to take the initiative. To defeat fear, manage your expectations and just start. Start within the first seconds of making your writing goals because we know that it is the first sentence that is the hardest to write. Do not be afraid to make mistakes; it is those mistakes that you will build on to create the best pieces. When discouraged, just take a break and try again later. With time, you will start getting better and remember that even the best authors have testified to being rejected a couple of times.



Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu