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Guideline for New Fiction Authors for a Successful Writing Experience – Part 1

Fiction writing is not easy, especially for those who have never stepped into these dangerous waters. New authors may feel the process daunting and a little difficult, but writing fiction can become easy if they follow certain guidelines. The author will still have to come up with a tremendous plot, impressive characters and a believable plotline to be able to capture the attention of their audience. However, the below-mentioned guidelines will not only help you speed up the process but aid you in improving your writing.

Here are some proven guidelines that can help you achieve success as a new fiction author.

Understanding Your Audience

Understanding your audience is the first step in becoming a successful writer. It doesn’t matter if you are a new writer or a writer with decades of experience under your belt; you need to know who you are writing. One mistake that new authors make is that they try to write for the biggest audience. While it might seem very easy to do on paper, it is very hard to please such a wide range of audience. As a result, the story may lead off in too many directions and the author may not be able to contain it. So, it is in your best interests to pick an audience based on the dynamic or age and build your story from there. Once you have that, you can build your characters and plot with that group in your mind and have a better impact.

Choose Your Genre

You cannot move forward without knowing your genre. Understanding your audience is one thing, but if your novel doesn’t have one specific genre, you might not be able to make an impact. Not everyone is comfortable with reading novels from every genre. Even a specific audience would have a certain dynamic that would prefer to read one genre over the other. When you decide on one genre, you can then split it into more subgenres to add to your plot and to your character development. This will help you with keeping your writing consistent while adding a certain factor that will lure more readers in. Writing a cross-genre fiction story is good, but not if you can’t pull it off.

Make Your Characters Real

Making your characters real is perhaps the most important guideline that will ever be shared with a new writer. The relatability of a character is now a major factor when it comes to fictional novels. Novels like The Hate U Give and Turtles All the Way Down both had very strong characters and a good storyline that drew in readers of all ages. While the age demographic was all over the place for these novels, the characters and their relatability became the “X” factor for these novels. People of all ages and sexes were able to relate to the protagonists and even many side characters. They were able to see a reflection of themselves in the characters, which turned out to be the success factor for these bestselling novels.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Rabia Tanveer