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Horrific Inspirations: Charles Manson

Imagine meeting a co-worker’s friend for the first time. He’s handsome, kind, charismatic. He’s the kind of person who, in your opinion, can lead revolutions, stage rebellions, probably even steal anyone’s spouse and get away with it. In the back of your mind, you know there’s something weird about him. But you push it out of your mind. Then of course, you turn on the news that night, and learn that the person was arrested for murder. There are a lot of people like that in the world, some of whom have almost actually gotten away with murder. One of these individuals is Charles Manson.  

Charles Manson was born on November 12th, 1934. His father was a con artist, his mother just a teen. Because of his behavioral difficulties, Manson’s mother decided to send him to Gibault School, a school for troubled youths. However, instead of staying at the school, Manson ran away, committing theft and burglary to support himself. When he was caught, he was sent to a juvenile facility. He later went on to commit a robbery at a casino and a local grocery store.

When he was first imprisoned, authorities caught Manson raping a young boy. He was transferred to reform institution, where he committed further acts of violence. After marrying a young waitress, he was charged with stealing a car vehicle. This repeated cycle of getting arrested and imprisoned would continue up until the infamous Manson murders.

After he was released from prison, he began attracting a group of young women, many of which were taken in by his charisma. Nicknamed the Manson Family, the group was made up of 100 people who believed in the lifestyle Manson lived. They lived in an abandoned ranch in the Californian desert, where many of his followers believed he was the incarnation of Christ, as well as other “prophecies” he’d claim. The family first started committing small crimes, but when they murdered actress Sharon Tate and her family, as well as the LaBiancas the very next day, they became internationally known.

The entire family was prosecuted. On January 1971, the jury found Manson guilty. During the sentencing, he told the press that the Devil had a bald head, and that by shaving his head, he proclaimed himself to be the Devil. Initially, he was sentenced to death. However, when California abolished the death penalty, the death sentence was reduced to a life sentence. Manson attempted getting numerous appeals, but was later rejected.

Charles Manson left a lasting legacy, one that impacted popular culture. Manson was reported throughout various underground news outlets, with Tuesday’s Child even declaring him to be the “Man of the Year.” Rolling Stone did a cover story on Manson. Manson had even inspired a number of works, such as The Dead Circus by John Kaye, Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi, and The Family by Ed Sanders. The popular TV show, South Park, even had an episode dedicated to Manson.

With his background and charismatic personality, Charles Manson committed various felonies and crimes. Through this, he was able to become a macabre muse for other writers. He was a strange man, no doubt, but nevertheless one that certainly left his mark on American society.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow