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Horrific Inspirations: The Suicide Forest

In the movie The Forest, the protagonist must find her sister after she goes missing in a forest called Aokigahara. In the horror game Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water, the forest was used as inspiration for the story’s setting. In Jeremy Bates’s Suicide Forest, the forest provided a rather haunting backdrop to the book’s already dark atmosphere. In Roger Harrington's Suicide Forest: The Mystery of Aokigahara, the author goes into detail about the macabre associations the forest has with death, as well as the long, infamous reputation it has despite its beauty. The Aokigahara Forest has been referenced time and again by modern entertainment, whether it be through movies, books, or games. Even news outlets such as CNN and The Atlantic have covered the sorrowful deaths associated with the forest. Despite this, there are rather morbid legends surrounding the forest, alongside an equally horrific history that allow Aokigahara to remain as one of the world’s scariest places.

Aokigahara, or the Sea of Trees, rests at the base of Mount Fuji. The forest is quite beautiful, with its verdant trees, shrubs, and peaceful quiet. There are many beautiful caves for tourists to explore, and it gives visitors a sense of beauty when they visit. Even so, the forest has a more sinister undertone to it. It’s often a popular place for suicides in the world, so much so that many authorities have tried hiding the statistics. There are also signs hanging at the forest entrance to try to stop anyone who is thinking about committing suicide. Body searches have been conducted by police, concerned volunteers, and journalists, attempting to find missing persons, as well as help grieving loved ones find closure. What’s more, many visitors often have to leave trails for themselves to not get lost in the rather wide forest, though it’s not uncommon for them to stumble across the bodies of suicide victims. There have also been items left behind in the forest, items supposedly belonging to these suicide victims. 

Not only this, but Aokigahara Forest has a rather macabre history attached to it. It’s said that in Japan when someone dies filled with resentment, sorrow, or any other negative emotion, the person’s soul is doomed to wander the earth, never achieving rest until something, or someone, helps them remove their pain. It’s because of these ghosts that many spiritualists have stated that the forest itself was affected by a negative energy. The fact that the forest had been tainted by the practice of abandoning elderly relatives during times of desperation doesn’t help its reputation. 

Aokigahara Forest is no doubt a beautiful place to explore. The natural landscapes and almost serene silence are an excellent way for people to lose theselves in nature. However, keep in mind that the forest has also been rumored to be haunted, and is a rather famous place for suicides. It remains today as one of the world’s darkest places, where visitors are touched by the tragedy behind the forest.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow