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How A Poet Can Earn Money And/Or Gain Exposure

In making money with poetry, one is not going to make money quickly. But, if you have the passion, I am pretty sure you are going to be noticed. Poetry takes a lot of time and effort, which I am sure you already know.

April is National Poetry Month. Knowing this, why not get your poetry career off to a good start by being prepared for the month of April. Treat your poetry as a business.

If you are new to poetry and want to get your feet wet, I have a little advice on how to get published and earn a few pennies. A friend of mine has a hub called Poetry which may be found at She is the chief editor and her name is Pippa. She is a super sweet gal. Simply go to the website and click on Write For Us. 

The most obvious place to have your poems published is in magazines, paper or on-line. Simply go to their webpage to find out the guidelines and pay.

As there is Writer’s Market, there is Poet’s Market. Back in the day, I dipped my toes in the craft of poetry. I had a copy of Poet’s Market. The book was kind of like a Bible. I made no money. I did earn a few copies, though, good for samples. 

Another blast from the past? I belonged to the UAPAA, United Amateur Press Association of America. Each member gets included in a monthly bundle of work completed by each member. There are dues. Although not paying, it does look good.

Make a blog to be your outlet. Make the blog for free using Blogger. 

Send your poetry to greeting card companies. The most obvious greeting card company is Blue Mountain Arts.

Have your poems printed on items with no fees, such as with Teespring. You create. They print. Make a sale. You both win.

Sell personalized poems on Fiverr. Maybe have unique poems on good paper. Have the poem framed for the customer. Just a suggestion.

Use social media, such as Twitter to get that poetry out there! 

Have you ever thought about sending a poem to a newspaper to be published in the letter to the editor section? 

You know what? After writing this article on poetry, my interest in poetry has been rekindled. I never thought in a million years that I would ever be interested again. 

I simply do not which way to go about getting started again, from Pippa, my friend, to re-joining the UAPAA to having poetry being printed on items. I know that a sure way of building a portfolio over again and earning a few pennies would be with Pippa. I know the coolest way to be published would be on items. 

Don’t be discouraged. Maybe treat your poetry as a side hustle or a side gig for right now. Your poetry is not going to put the food on the table right from the start. However, everyone starts somewhere! Write on!

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo