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How Is Technology Affecting What People Read And Write?

Is it redefining literature?

One of the questions that people ask today is whether electronic media is redefining literature. Some people go as far as to say that the definition of writing has to be changed because electronic media has expanded and is continuing to expand writing in ways that have never been seen before. Writing is nothing like what it used to be. For example, today we have twiction. These are very short pieces that are written only for Twitter. Today you can even get classic literature in your email delivered in digestible doses.

The New York Times started the ‘daily digest’ type of delivering literature when it started sending serialized stories of ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s.’ Many writers have now taken this idea and started to deliver their work to readers bit by bit. There are people who have created smartphone apps that deliver classical literature in small pieces. Most people carry around their smartphones more often than they carry anything else hence the move by content providers to try to integrate reading with people’s daily lives using phones.

Flash fiction

This is another craze in the literary world and it focuses on storytelling in under 1,000 words. The truth is that flash fiction has been around for more than two decades but it was previously done by amateurs. More professional authors are now getting into flash fiction and some people are creating groups of followers to whom they deliver stories free of charge.

Flash fiction is powered by the Internet and it is very cheap compared to print media. A person with a flash fiction website can make enough money on advertising to pay authors and web hosting fees without ever needing to charge readers. Flash fiction is also web-friendly because the stories can be easily read on the web. They are not too long for readers to lose attention and they are also not too short, hence they allow authors to tell the whole story.

To Reach Their Niche

The advancements in technology, particularly in the communication sector, have made it easier, cheaper, and quicker for an author to reach his audience. This is especially true when you talk about niche genres. When an author publishes online, he can easily broadcast to a niche market – something that is virtually impossible when you rely on traditional book stores.

Can you use it to make money?

More writers and publishers are using the Internet to provide content to their readers. They have to struggle with the question of how to use the technology to make money. Despite what type of literature you are delivering, some online sellers have proved that you can make money by selling your works on the Internet.

Amazon is one of the biggest sellers of eBooks and it has made whopping sums of money for itself and authors. Traditional publishers are hot on the heels of online sellers like Amazon and they have decided to create their own platforms where they can sell content from their authors. The Internet might be the final frontier for authors who want to deliver their content to readers, but it surely has more incentives for authors that any other platform at the moment.