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How Long Does It Take To Write A Book – Part 1

So, how long should a book be? Nine times out of ten the answer to that question will be “it depends” or something like it. On what? Well, to start with, it depends on what type of book it is.

Whether it is a fictional novel or a non-fiction book, the average length is going to depend on other books in the same genre or on the same subject. So, before that question ‘how long is a book?” can be answered, there are some things you need to know and it isn’t all about the book either:

Book genre or subject

Book complexity

How long you write for every day

Your writing speed and your skill level

If you are about to sit down and start writing a book, this series is for you. It will help you work out how long your book should be and how long it will take you to write it. Once you understand that, you can get down to the task of writing it.

Making Time For Writing

It’s all too easy to say that you will write today and then something gets in the way and, before you know it, the day has gone and you have achieved zero. Creating a daily writing habit is the best way to ensure that you get something done every day and you can use these tools to help you:

Triggers – attach your new habit to one you have already and try to establish triggers that tell your brain it’s time for you to write

Accountability – you need to be accountable to someone, at least to start with, that you can report to regularly

Rewards – reach a goal, reward yourself

Writing Space – set up a calm, quiet, distraction-free writing space

Schedule your Time – pick a time that you know you can commit to for writing every day – doesn’t matter whether its 10 minutes or an hour

Pick Some Music – if you like a bit of background noise, choose music that will aid you, rather than being irritating

Break It Down – break your project down into small manageable chunks

Set a Realistic Deadline – they should be challenging but not something you can’t meet because of other commitments

Most people find it easier to write either first thing in the morning or in the evening but it really will be down to you and your schedule. Only you know when your brain is at its best for creative thinking and that is the best time to set your daily time for writing.

One important thing to remember is this is your time to write; it isn’t a time for everyone to interrupt you. If you don’t have space where you can close the door, invest in a set of noise-canceling headphones and make it clear to your friends and family – you are not to be disturbed.

Keep your writing space clean, free of clutter and free of distraction – that way, you can focus your attention solely on your writing and nothing else. If necessary, switch your phone off – the last thing you need is constant emails or social media notifications disturbing you.

In part two, we’ll start looking at book-length.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds