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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

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How Social Media Can Help Market Your Book

As a published author and especially as a self-published author you really need to promote your book yourself and there are many ways in which to do so, one of which being via social media. Here are a few examples of how to promote using the power of social media; it really is your new best friend.

First, we really have to talk about Twitter. This is an amazingly popular social media site and can be very productive when promoting yourself as an author. It is also very effective and useful when networking with other authors and writers. You can post images of your book, links to where they can be bought and any free offers or promotions that are happening. What is most important to remember though is that you need to be active on Twitter and interact with others. It is not enough just to post daily about your book as people will become easily bored. Randomly tweeting about how fantastic your book is really not the best marketing tool on Twitter as every author will state this fact about their own book and there are thousands of them out there. You need to build up a following who will become interested in you as an author and in turn they will tweet about you and in essence promote the book for you. You need to find similar authors and tweet them as well as tweeting any of their books; in turn they will most likely tweet about you. You will also find that in doing so you will build up a following and gain support.

The other social media site which is a must-have is, of course, Facebook. As an author it is a good idea to create a fan page for each book and include details such a plot, characters, and any reviews from critics. A fan page is also a good way to interact and converse with your readers as well as being able to offer free books and to give away advance copies for review.

Goodreads must also not be overlooked as every author who has self-published a book really needs to set themselves up as a Goodreads author, which is free and incredibly easy to do. Once set up, you can create your profile, list your books, link your blog, and upload any videos, particularly useful if you have a book promo. It is a wonderful site to connect with fellow authors and readers alike.

The most important thing to remember is that whatever social media platform you chose to use you need to be an active member and update your posts on a regular basis. Respond to comments and read what others post. If you are actively involved then your work will be promoted without you ever having to put much effort into it as using social media will just be part of your day.

Social media really is the way forward if you want to sell more books and get yourself known; just have fun in the process.