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How to Avoid Black Hat SEO

Never forget that black hat SEO techniques will leave your website exposed to penalties and unprotected in the event of algorithmic changes. At all costs these particular techniques should be avoided. There are certain methods you can use to avoid them; just keep in mind that these methods are to be used in the short-term and not the long-term, otherwise they'll have long-lasting negative impact on your website.

Anchor text link building strategies

It is now inadvisable to use a keyword as anchor text. It has been flagged as a blatant attempt to manipulate search engine rankings. A high percentage of exact match anchor text links can result in a Penguin penalty from which it is notoriously difficult to recover. Your website can be devalued with inbound links from low quality pages and will eventually impact you negatively. So be very careful as lots of ads, poor quality material and much content but low traffic could indicate that a particular website isn't a good back link opportunity. It can hurt your website.

Syndication Elements

At one time article syndication was a common SEO practice. This took care of the quantity of link building, but it ignored quality. It's the practice of taking content and spinning it off to distribute to lots of different websites. So keep in mind that taking poor quality articles and passing them off as valuable content that should be read or linked to is not good at all for long term SEO. Also, when detected, your website will definitely suffer for it.

Run From Duplicates

A well-known SEO best practice is to avoid duplicate content. However there are still people who copy and spin content in order to hit most valued keywords as much as possible. What happens is that search engine algorithms can detect this duplicated content easily, and as a result of which the websites that make use of this method suffer the consequences. So it is best to provide original and unique content that is likely to be used and shared, indicating to search engines that it's worthy and relevant.

Black Hat Won't Work

Therefore no matter what else you do, black hat SEO techniques are not the way to get more traffic to your website. You will be penalized and your website will suffer. Even though these methods might produce some short-term rewards in the long-run, they will hurt your website and that is what you want to avoid at all costs. After all, there are many methods you can use to increase traffic to your website which won't hurt it and that is the better way to go about it.