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How to be Continually Motivated - Part 2

Choose to be optimistic

Contrary to popular belief, optimism is a choice you decide to make every day. Optimistic people are not unaware of the issues that surround them, but instead of focusing on them, they choose to see the good that is also happening around them. Whichever point you are at in your career, there will always be something that is not going right and things that are going well. Whatever you choose to focus on is what will be magnified in your life. For life-changing moments, the shock at first may be debilitating but with time, optimism will keep you going.

Embrace change

Change is an occurrence that easily causes anxiety, which leaves us demotivated. Accepting that it is an inevitable part of life and that things will change, and oftentimes even for the better, will keep you motivated even when risky situations arise. You can arm yourself with information before taking the big leap or find out from others who have experienced a similar change in their lives what their experience has been like. With the knowledge, you will be braver in taking on the changing circumstances in your life.

Celebrate progress

Do not wait to celebrate the big wins; notice the small ones too and celebrate them. This will keep you motivated to reach for bigger goals. If you are writing a book, for instance, celebrate having written your first chapter, getting halfway through the writing process, completing it, getting a publisher who is interested in your work, your first customer purchase and so on. Celebrating does not always involve over the top gestures; simple things that you love doing can become a great way of rewarding yourself as you save the bigger celebrations for greater accomplishments.

Learn what motivates you and include these activities or things in your life

For some, quotes from their favorite icons keep them going. For others, it is listening to a podcast. Whatever keeps you motivated continually, add these things to your life. You can choose to hang on your wall a favorite quote or even place your vision board in a place where you can easily see it every day so that you can be reminded of what you are working towards. Do not forget to put these things in a place that is easily accessible and that you can see on a daily basis. This has a great impact on your mindset and your willingness to work towards your goals.

Know what you are good at and capitalize on it

When we know our purpose and talents, accessing opportunities becomes easier as we have a plan. This leads to becoming motivated and gaining the success we envisioned. As writers, this could mean knowing what we are particularly good at. Do you prefer technical writing or copywriting, writing non-fiction or fiction work, shorter pieces or longer ones? Finding out what you are passionate about and that you can make a living from will make every day easy for you. Even when you encounter obstacles, you will still have the zeal to continue with your work.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu