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How To Become A Writing Genius

As you stumble through life just trying to make a breakthrough in the world of literature, it becomes harder to consider yourself a genius. But allow me to let you into a little secret; you already are a genius, you just need to know how to tap into your creative genius. I am not joking either, this is a simple technique anyone can do. Think of small children when they play; they have a fantastic imagination and they believe they can be a superhero or a princess. They fall over and immediately get up and resume playing. Then they begin school, and they are moulded into society's expectations for them. They are taught that the only future is to get a ‘proper’ job when they leave school. Who do you think of when you think of geniuses? Do you think of Stephen Hawking, Shakespeare, Mozart, Einstein and Van Gogh? One trait all of these brilliant men had in common was that they refused to conform to society's vision for them. But is there such a thing as a genius? Not really. Of course, Shakespeare was a genius of literature, that is a given, but if you gave him a trowel and asked him to build a structural masterpiece, I am guessing he would struggle.

So, this is the exercise I use regularly to tap into my creative ‘genius’. First of all, you need to find a nice, quiet and calming place, some place where you can be alone. Spending a few minutes meditating will really help this process work quickly. Then, empty your mind completely of all your thoughts. Clear all the unnecessary clutter out of your mind. If you feel your mind wandering off to anything other than this exercise, then do not worry; just regain concentration and start once more. Visualize a black empty space of nothingness in front of you. This is your creative world, a world in which you are happy, content and completely at ease. You will feel the warmth of relaxation begin to engulf your body, your breathing is slow and you are completely aware of how your breathing sounds. Slowly and calmly say to yourself.

I am a genius.

Repeat these words again and again, until you reach the point when the words lose sense. This simple exercise should be completed three or five times each day for seven days. You will find that your self-confidence levels rise and your brain will allow your inner positivity to flow. Words will stream straight from your psyche to the paper or PC before you. As an imaginative exercise, I need you to create a character or event that is 100 percent real. It doesn't have to have really occurred; however, it will be genuine in your reality. Shape your creation from a smudge in your mind into a picture of clarity. Write down the character or situation you see in your world and read it over. Notice how real it appears? Make minor alterations until the point is reached when each word cannot be argued against.

This is your vision, the essence of your genius, so when you create something that is real for you, in turn it will become real for your reader.

You are a genius. Now go tap into your writing genius!

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Lesley Jones