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How to Boost Your Writing Output While Working Full-Time

The dream life of a writer is to dedicate all their time to writing and have no other regrets or responsibilities to make them feel guilty. Alas, this is not easily achievable, hence which is why most authors work full-time jobs as well as find precious time to dedicate to their craft. The struggle is real for these authors as they try to find a balance between work, family and their craft. While most experienced and recognized authors have the liberty to devote leisurely time to their writing, debut authors don’t have this luxury.

It is hard, but dedicating time to your writing and working full-time is possible. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you boost your productivity and maximize your time dedicated to your craft while also doing your best in your full-time job.

Utilize Your Time Well

The best way to add to your writing time is to utilize your time the best way possible. So you should find a way to work on your ideas and your writing while commuting, while cooking, or even when you are getting ready for work. Use that time to flesh out your characters, develop your scenes, think of plot points, create dialogues and even consider what you are going to do with the conflict. Of course, you can also utilize that time to think about how you can make your work better or if it is best the way it is.

Your Break Times Are Best For Your Writing

Sprint writing is something that many authors are doing these days. They just sit down and write down as much as they can in the smallest possible time. You can take out thirty minutes from your allotted time for a break and use it for your sprint writing. Get as many words down as possible and then take them home and edit them later. You will actually get some time away from your work, give yourself a mental break and see your writing from a new perspective.

Take Help from Technology

Some authors prefer to use their pen and paper to jot down their stories, while some prefer their laptop over everything else. The best way to dedicate a sizable chunk of time to your craft is by using your technology but minus the internet access. Some authors prefer to just take notes by recording voice notes on their phones or a dedicated recorder. They simply have their notes transferred to their laptops and they take it from there.

While all of the above-mentioned tips and tricks will work wonders for you, nothing will actually be useful for you if you don’t take yourself and your craft seriously. You need to be dedicated to your craft and your writing; love it enough to make time for it. Your time is precious and if you feel like less of a writer because you work full-time as well, make sure that you spend your time on your craft in the best way possible. Be proud of yourself, your craft and your ability to manage your life. You are doing something that you love, so appreciate it because not everyone gets to do what you do.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Rabia Tanveer