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How to Choose a Topic to Write About

Deciding what to write about is almost never easy because either there are way too many options or there are just not enough options. This is made harder for blog writers who need to keep their writing confined to one topic in order to attract a specific audience. In order to choose a topic, the writer first needs to understand the different topics that are popular on the internet. There are four main categories that people choose to write in: education, health and medicine, money and business, and science and technology.


Education is one of the most popular writing choices as almost everyone has had experience with an education system. This topic choice allows the writer to write from their own perspective as a student, teacher, parent, principle, counselor, office staff, and so on. There are so many different perspectives that writers can use to share their own educational experiences. For writers looking to not just share their own experience, but argue a point or create an article, there are limitless arguments that can be approached from so many different sides. Some popular arguments are: tuition-free college, vocational classes in high schools, cell phone policies, and sexual education classes.

Health and Medicine

Health and medicine is another topic that has multiple perspectives, ranging from doctors, nurses, and medical staff all the way to patients and their family members. Everyone has had different medical experiences that can be written about, and some people have medical conditions that allow them to share an individualized perspective on what it means to have that condition. For those who are looking to write articles instead of sharing experiences, there are numerous interesting options like nanotechnology, neuroethics, placebos, aspartame, and different therapies.

Money and Business

Money and business is one of the most written about topics because it is also one of the most read topics. This makes it both an easy and difficult topic to write about. The important thing to consider when writing on this topic is what makes you special or different; you need to be able to write something different from what is already written. There are many articles on making money online and starting a home business; this means that you need to either stay away from those topics or have a perspective that makes you and your writing stand out.

Science and Technology

Science and technology is another topic that is generally always popular and the reason is that there is always something new going on. Perhaps there is a new planet being discovered, a driverless car being street tested, or nanotechnology developed. There is simply always something new, which leaves a writer numerous opportunities to write on new topics almost every day.

Choosing Your Topic

When it comes to choosing a topic to write on the important thing to consider is yourself. You need to think about what you know, what you want to know, and what you can write about for an audience. For instance, you might absolutely love writing about being a work at home mom, but just because you love it does not necessarily mean that you have enough material to write about it and set yourself apart from every work at home mom that is writing on the topic. The most important thing is to be able to write about the topic in a way that can draw and keep the interest of your audience.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke