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How to Correctly Market Your Book

You’re done writing your book, yes. You are already in the publishing process, yes. The question is will it be sold? Do you know how to correctly market your book? The number of books written every day is unbelievably high because many people love writing. Some write for the sake of writing, some as a hobby, but some write for money. It does not imply, however, that those who write for money don’t love writing as a hobby.

There is money in writing books, but you, as a writer, can generate more income from writing books if you know how to correctly market your book. There is no easy way to be as popular as J.K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins, or Neil Gaiman, but you can earn a lot by learning how to correctly market your book. Here are a few things you might need to know if you want to generate income from your books.

You cannot sell a book, no matter how good, if you don’t have a target market and work on it. This is the first thing you need in learning how to correctly market your book. Think about your target audience. Is your book for adults? Is it a children’s book? What is it about? After knowing that, consider the people who will probably buy your book and reach out to them. Plus, this would really work if you keep a positive attitude towards promotion.

Second, keep in touch with the people who you know are supportive of the ideas in your book such as your literature teacher, professor, college buddies, or whoever. They will buy a copy for sure!

Third, word-of-mouth marketing is traditional but it can be effective. Talk to people and encourage people who’ve read your work to recommend it to others. This is usually done in the first pages of your book preliminaries such as the foreword. But regardless of whether you include this in your book, the best promotion or marketing is to write a really good book. If your book is innately extraordinary or interesting, people will just buy it.

Fourth, how to correctly market your book requires knowledge of social media promotions. Because Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, and other social networking sites dominate the lives of people today, why not take advantage of it? Use these sites to promote your book. An updated Facebook or Twitter page can be a big help in marketing your book.

Fifth, build your own website and a blog to promote your book. This would be the avenue for you to post updates aside from social media sites. This can also help you interact with readers and where they can leave comments.

Sixth, make an electronic version of your book and promote it on your site as well. Just include the Amazon or Kindle link because many people are into e-books these days.

Lastly, learning how to correctly market your book means that you have to interact with people in whatever way possible because they are future readers of your book. You can join forums on the web. You can write articles about your book and upload them to the internet.