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How to Create an Eye Catching Author Website

An author’s website is the only place on the internet that an author can truly call his own. It represents who the author is and what he writes about. An author website is the place most readers nowadays check out first if they are interested in the author or his works. That is why it is very important for an author to have a website that will not only give his viewers all the information they are looking for, but at the same time will capture their interest and will encourage them to share the site link with their friends, generating even more potential buyers of the author’s works.

In order for an author website to capture the interest of potential readers, it has to be eye catching and visually appealing. And to create a website that will do this, you have to consider three important elements. These are content, colour and typography. If you are able to combine all of these flawlessly, rest assured you will be able to create an author website that your readers will appreciate.

First off is content; this includes the layout of your website and the information included on each page. When creating your author website, make sure that everything is categorized and organized. Your site should be easy to navigate; it should not take your readers too much time to look for your contact information or for the button that will allow them to buy a book they are interested in. You also have to consider how much time it takes for your website to load; visiting a site that will pause halfway is not eye catching at all.

The second element is typography; this includes how you use different fonts or lettering, font sizes and font styles. Use this element to distinguish the main parts of your site and their divisions. For example, use bold, large and eye catching fonts to draw the attention of your readers to the most important headings or links found on your site and use italicized fonts for links that will lead your reader to another website you might be affiliated with. Moreover, be aware of the lettering types you use, avoid using fancy fonts that are hard to read; stick with clean, simple and easy to read font types.

The third element is color; when used properly, this element could make a huge difference on your author website. Remember to always use colors that complement each other. Avoid using too many vivid colors, and if you do use them make sure you tone them down by using subtle colors. Aside from that you could also use contrasting colors like black and white to emphasize the content of your website. It is also important that you have a color scheme for your author website that matches the genre or category of books you write. For example, if you write paranormal romances, you could use bold and contrasting colors like black and white with bursts of red, orange, blue or green.