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How to Create an Eye Catching Book Promo Campaign

So you wrote a book, found a publisher, and had the book published. That’s great! Congratulations! Now you’re thinking you can just sit back and wait for the cash flow. Hold that thought. Just because you have a publisher doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything to promote your book. In fact, you probably should. The publishing industry is extremely congested and most books, even with publishing houses behind them, don’t do so well. Don’t worry, though, because there are a lot of things you can do to market your book. Here are 5 tips on how to create an eye catching book promo campaign.

Tip #1: Make and post videos about the book

Nothing quite catches the eye more than a well-made video. If you have the money or the skills, you can pay a professional to create a video book trailer for your book or – if you’re adventurous enough – you can make it yourself. Additionally, you can also shoot and post videos of yourself talking about the book or about a key issue in your literary genre or field of expertise. Short videos of five minutes or less are the most effective. Don’t forget to promote your book at the end of the video/s and to post a link to where readers can purchase your book.

Tip #2: Give copies to a select group of people

Essentially, your book is your calling card. Send copies to potential readers, book critics, literary agents, and editors. Encourage them to read it and then to pass it on. Get your colleagues to read and then to critique the book. Send it to magazine and journal editors and publishers. If they like it, you may just find yourself in the pages of their publications!

 Tip#3: Build a website or webpage for the book

Apart from your author website, it would also be nice to have a separate website for your latest release. It should contain photos, excerpts, testimonials from readers and fellow authors, quotes, and a blog written by the author (you). Interact with existing and potential readers and encourage them to comment.

Tip #4: Offer copies of the book as prizes

Give lots of copies of the book away and you’ll get something even more valuable in return: publicity! Get in touch with magazines, organizations, radio shows, TV shows, and even city- or town-sponsored events that run competitions and offer them your books to give away as prizes.

Tip #5: Enlist the help of your friends

Have your family members, friends, colleagues, clients, fans, and anyone else who has read your book write a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and other online bookstores and literary websites. Reviews matter because they show potential clients that people have actually bought and read your book. Don’t hesitate to ask other authors in your field – even big-name authors – to read and write reviews and blurbs.