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How to Deal with Rejection as a Writer - Part 2

#Tip 5 - Talk to someone that you trust

Talking to someone who has been through what you are going through can drastically change your perspective of the situation. While talking the issue out with another person helps alleviate the sadness that you feel, it also helps you get an objective opinion from a trusted friend. The person may be able to see the bigger picture that you may be missing. They could help and encourage you to try again when you do not feel like it. Sometimes we all need a little push from the people around us.

#Tip 6 - Be kind to yourself

What we affirm in our minds is what we become. Do not pay attention to the nagging voices in the mind constantly declaring you a failure; instead, be positive and constantly communicate with yourself using encouraging words. It does not matter how much support we have around us, if we constantly put ourselves down, all that support will be ineffective. It is also important to remember to be good to others at this point. We always tend to lash out at people who had nothing to do with the rejection in the first place. Using simple mantras that you can easily recite at any time of the day is a great way to focus on being positive.

#Tip 7 - Remember everyone gets rejected at some point

Everyone experiences rejection at some point in their career. Remember the likes of Herman Melville and his masterpiece, Moby Dick. George Orwell’s Animal Farm was also rejected several times by publishers. The important thing is keeping in mind that rejection will come and when it does it should not be final. Even if no one will ever get to appreciate your work and you are forced to abandon it at some point, pat yourself on the back and appreciate that you tried. Keep moving and learning; writing like most other demanding professions is not for the faint of heart. It requires constant reinvention, creativity and courage.

#Tip 8 - It does not get easier but you can get stronger

Regardless of the point you are at in your writing career, the pain of rejection never gets easier to absorb but you can always learn how to turn it around to your advantage. Many accomplished writers claim to experience sadness from losing a great deal but they talk of always moving forward and not letting the obstacles stop their journey. Learning to manage emotions and not letting them dictate your abilities is a great way to deal with rejection.

As a freelance writer, I know what constant rejection is first-hand but it has not stopped me from wanting to grow and doing what I love best. The most important thing is not to give up and I am always encouraged by many iconic writers who have faced much more rejection than I have. In the end, I have learned that it just part of the process, and with every rejection, I become better and my passion for my work is proven by how I manage to overcome.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu