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How to Encourage your Child to Write

If you have identified that your child could become a great writer, what are the ways you can encourage them to develop their gift? This does not mean that you cannot start writing when you are older. Still, the sooner someone can start developing their talent and acquiring skills, the better. Writing, like any other ability, must be worked on in order to perfect it. Here are a few ways you can help your child grow into the writer that they could potentially be.

Tip #1 - Be your child’s biggest cheerleader

We all need encouragement but children need it more. Words of encouragement that show how proud you are of them will definitely encourage them to write more. Note even the smallest milestones and help them celebrate their achievements. Your encouragement will provide them with validation and enable them to believe in themselves.

Tip #2 - Write as your child watches

A child will most likely do something they see their parent doing. Seeing you write will likely lead to your child also taking up the activity. Involving them as you write through seeking their opinion and asking simple questions will help them feel more comfortable when writing.

Tip #3 - Have a designated writing place

Set aside a special place where your child can retreat to and write. Ensure it is comfortable enough and has the right writing materials. This will help them concentrate on their writing without distractions.

Tip # 4 - Read together with your child

You do not have to read lengthy material; a few minutes of reading will be enough when done frequently. Let the child hear you pronounce different words. You can discuss the meanings of those words as you also allow them to try pronouncing the words as you did. Discuss the themes too and note what your child likes in each book. Remember also to discuss what stood out for your child and what surprised them in the story. This will give them an idea of the basic structure of any story without overcomplicating things.

Tip # 5 - Encourage them to draw

Drawing is one of the most basic forms of telling a story. In case your child has not learned enough words for them to tell a story, try asking them to draw it. With time, you will start to understand the story they want to tell as the pictures become clearer. As the child learns to express themselves sufficiently, ask them the meaning of the stories and why they chose specific characters and lines of thought.

Tip # 6 - Provide writing tools when it is play time

This way, the child will start associating writing with fun. Be careful not to push them to write since this will develop counteractive results. If the child does not take naturally to it, you can try encouraging them using other ways such as reading to them. You can also consider leaving writing materials in different places in the house as this will encourage them to write at any time.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu