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How to Fall in Love with the Writing Process Part 3

The last three questions you need to ask yourself are perhaps the most important:

Four – Are you open to change?

There are three stages of change a character must pass through – enlightenment, where a new perspective is found; decision, not always a good one, that may or may not be a change but the character is bound to an obligation; sustained action, continuing from the decision, bringing about a change in behavior.

Most writers struggle the most with the last one because they find it hard to change their character in a way that is believable. Think about a point in your life where all three of these stages happened; did you adapt?

Apply that to your writing; can you see a point where things just aren’t working? Are you prepared to try something new and use sustained action to make that into a habit? Many writers will never accept that their process doesn’t work, preferring to keep slogging away at something that will never come to successful fruition.

Decisions are hard to make and it’s never because we fear the decision itself; it's that we fear change, of making mistakes and being wrong. The only way to become a successful writer is to take risks, to admit when things are wrong, to take the steps necessary to bring about change. 

Five – Are you sabotaging yourself creatively?

Think about how your story first came about; was it an idea, a character, a world?

Where you start is reflective of your strengths – a great plotter, fantastic character creator, and so on. It is natural to gravitate to those strengths but that comes at a cost of leaving your weaknesses to get weaker. To strengthen those, you need to change. By now, you should know exactly what is holding your back in your creative process.

Bigger picture people tend to move faster than details people; they jump before they think, write too fast, focusing on word count and not quality. They must force themselves to go against that, to slow down, focus on what they are writing, feel it.

Think about where your weaknesses are and come up with ways to counteract them.

Six – Are you courageous?

Love is not the opposite of hate; hate comes from fear and most of us hate anything we cannot understand. Why? Because we fear it and love is the only power that will overcome that fear. Your art, your writing, will shrink or expand in direct proportion to your courage and that means overcoming fear and kindling the passion you need to write the best book you can.

It isn’t easy to find time to write every day, not to mention the motivation and energy you need. It can knock back even the most seasoned of writers at times. Answer these questions honestly and you will begin to see where you need to change to get your love of writing back on track. It isn’t difficult but it doesn’t happen on its own.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds