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How to Find the Best Blog for Your Book

You might be wondering why many authors get their books reviewed on blogs instead of just sticking with reviews on popular books sites like Amazon and Goodreads. The simple answer is those authors do not wish to limit themselves to only two avenues of promoting their book(s). Blog book reviews can help authors to get sales because the blog owners want their blogs to get views and become popular, so once they agree to review a book it is in their best interests to promote the review. When it comes to finding the best book blogger for a book, it is a matter of genre, format of the review copy, personal preference, and willingness to pay.

Book Reviewer Yellow Pages

This site provides a complete list of hundreds of different bloggers that are interested in reading and reviewing new books on their blogs. This site is a wonderful resource for finding the best book blogger for your book, as not only is it a list of blogs willing to do reviews, but also includes a description of the blogs and the types of books they are willing to review. For instance, if your book falls into the science fiction genre, then you would be able to look for bloggers that are willing to review science fiction. This allows you to avoid giving a review copy of your book to someone who is not a fan of the book’s genre. Some of the listings will also include a short list of book formats the blog is accepting because not all blogs will accept digital copies and others will only accept digital books.

If you are interested in having your book reviewed and promoted on various blogs, then the site also has a blog tour host section, complete with genre preferences and links to pricing information. Generally, blog tour host sites charge a fee to get your book read and reviewed by their blogging groups, whereas most individual blogs are willing to read and review books for free or for only a small compensation for the time spent reading the book.


While not as efficient as Book Reviewer Yellow Pages, Google also acts as a resource for finding blog reviewers for your book. However, it will require time and effort as you will need to search for blogs individually and likely open them up and read them in order to find if they are best suited for you. If this is your preferred method, then make sure to use concise search terms that are not too open. For instance, searching “book blogs” will get you thousands of results with no indication of genre or if they are open to accepting books for review. Instead, a better search phrase would be “young adult romance book review blog”; in these search terms, you are not only indicating the genre and audience, but also the fact that you are searching for a reviewing blog. This will still leave you with a large number of blogs to read and evaluate, but it will cut down significantly on the number of off topic blogs in the results.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke