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How To Find The Time To Write

According to, an incentive means something that encourages a person to do something. Incentives are in need if you really want to find the time to write. There are many useful and creative incentives available. Here are some incentives to get you started.

The pay is an obvious incentive. Often, I make a list of what I need and/or want, then work toward a payment so that I can purchase these items. For example, Christmas presents. Nighttime can be an incentive as there are fewer distractions. For example, if you have kids, write when the kids are in bed. Take Monday off. Work on Fridays when all other people are partying. Then, on Monday, when all the others are going back to work, you have a free day. Use a crockpot and/or a microwave to save time and stress. With a crockpot, in the morning, throw the ingredients in and by evening dinner is ready. Microwaves are just as much as a blessing but faster. With a microwave, have dinner nuked in a few minutes. Following, quit your day “job” and take on writing seriously full-time. Learn to do without and live on a tight budget if you do not already. Apply for some on-line side hustles/gigs.

Do your shopping with a list and stick to it once a week. Only shop at one store, not every store out there. Clip coupons, follow a grocery store’s weekly flyer, shop on clearance and on sale. Do not shop with an empty stomach. Keep a memo pad or notebook with you at all times. This incentive is obvious for if you are stuck waiting somewhere or if you are in bed and something comes to mind. Also, if you would normally type up everything straight from mind to keyboard, write everything in a notebook for a change. Maybe writing everything down may make you more creative. Stop watching television. Do you really need Netflix? Use that couch to sit on for writing without interference.

Turn on motivating music, especially if you are getting tired. There are many different ways online to do this, such as YouTube, Pandora, Spotify and iheartradio. If you have more than a one (1) person household, delegate chores. Take a siesta for productivity. Do take a siesta whether you are tired or not. Write in chunks. Pace yourself. Do not rush through and get sloppy or careless in your work. Setting a deadline is a good incentive. Taking breaks for exercise and/or coffee are invigorating incentives. Go to the local library to write for a change of scenery. Stuck for ideas? Get tons of ideas on Pinterest, Twitter, and even from magazines. 

You may be thinking that even a child could have thought of these suggestions. Maybe, but however, there are adults who are highly educated but are clueless when it comes to common sense. Have you, the person reading this, learned about an incentive that you would have never thought of? Then, I have done my job.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo