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How to Get More Creative in Your Creative Fiction

Anyone can write a story, but not everyone can write good fiction. Writing great fiction is more challenging to create. It is the by-product of adherence to discipline and the demands of the craft. Creative fiction is like a wild beast that needs taming. The skillful writer tames this beast through patience, practice, and commitment. Only the most determined of writers ever manage to succeed in creating what is considered great fiction—a story that withstands the judgment of time. How does a writer become more creative in creating his novel? Here are some prime tips.

Establish conflict immediately

Feel free to show and tell, but if showing is the only thing you have in your opening, your audience will get bored. This advice is useful only if it shows a conflict between characters. If you are describing too much and it does not help to move the story forward, stop and retrace your steps. Begin by showing a character displaying an increasing irritation at failing to achieve an elusive goal. Conflict keeps readers hooked.

Know your characters’ motivations

What drives your character to risk their lives for a cause? What makes them ignore conventions and follow their guts because they believe they are doing what is right? The element of want is what drives characters. Frodo and the Fellowship must take Sauron’s ring back to Mount Doom, so it may not wreak havoc and malice. Jonathan Livingston Seagull wants nothing more than to fly higher and experiment with flight. Characters without hunger to achieve a particular want are stale and can never be expected to go the extra mile.

A cliffhanger is a page-turner

Page through your favorite novels and see how the authors end each chapter. Do they resolve an episode immediately before moving to the next chapter? Skillful novelists rarely do this. That old advice about ending a chapter “on a high note” means to end with a cliffhanger. End a chapter with an unresolved conflict. Great fiction never ceases to keep readers engaged. Readers are curious creatures who will follow a good story from beginning to end.

Never make it too easy for your characters

If challenges are too easy for the characters, especially for the main protagonist, then they are not heroic. One reason why readers enjoy rooting for a character is escapist in nature. The thought of getting inspired by a character beating all odds provides a feel-good reward after closing the book. Much like in movies, an audience can relate better to a character that finds it challenging to defeat a cunning villain because vulnerability is what makes us human. When the protagonist succeeds in overcoming his obstacles, it gives a sense of closure to readers.

Never underestimate your readers

Readers are a demanding lot. Each has his preferences and biases, and you cannot please them all. Do not waste your time trying to make everyone happy because you cannot. The best you can do is to write your story to the highest standards of excellence that you can. Many avid readers, regardless of background, have developed a radar for poorly written work after they have long been exposed to reading. If you plan to write for a particular genre, research what readers of your chosen type of fiction demand. A science-fiction reader has a different demand to that of a romance reader.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Vincent Dublado