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How to Get More from your Reading Experience - Part 2

Deeper reads have the advantage of taking you to a whole new world where you can picture yourself in another setting and forget everything around you. They have a greater advantage compared to lighter ones. However, time for such reads is more limited which brings us to the need for setting a specific time to read such pieces. Depending on which time of day you are most productive--whether morning or evening--you should set aside time when you know you can fully concentrate on what you are reading.

For analytical reading such as technical work, you could consider setting aside time in the morning when your mind is well rested and can quickly grasp concepts. For entertaining reads that are also complex and that you want to learn from, you could think of scheduling these in the evening. Reading is great for your mental health. In the evening, it helps induce sleep. When reading more complex pieces, avoid all sorts of distractions. Choose a time in your day when there is little activity around the house and avoid other forms of distractions like your cell phone.

When reading in the evening, consider reading articles and books produced on paper to avoid light emission from reading devices that negatively affect your quality of sleep.

Even though some people are skeptical about reading in more disruptive environments and reading through audio devices, the best way to go about it is to fit each type of reading in the category it belongs and also allowing yourself breaks to notice what is going on around you. While this requires more juggling on the reader’s part, it can be done through planning and careful consideration of what will benefit you the most.

Have a notebook and pen close by. Writing down what you have learned and want to recall or take away from your reading will help you remember the important points in the future. Reading a book may also give you a few ideas for your work when it comes to concepts for your story which you might need to note down. This is also important if you are reviewing a book and would like to remember specific details about the work that will go into the review.

If possible, place the notebook in a place that you can easily access and you will not need to keep standing up and retrieving it whenever you sit down to read. Also, stick to the same book for continuity and easy reference when you need to come back to the information in the future.

Most devices and e-book formats allow you to mark text and leave notes for retrieval at a future date. These are additional ways you can enhance your reading experience to make sure you get the most from it.

For audiobooks, writing down important points about the book will help you keep track of the story and note down what stands out for you. If the pace of the narration is fast, writing down notes will also ensure you do not lose your way through the plot.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu