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How To Publish Your Ebook On Amazon

Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP is one of the most convenient ways of self-publishing. One can easily publish a book on KDP with just a few simple steps. But these simple steps can become daunting. Sometimes, even after following all the steps correctly, one might not get the desired results. The confusion of keywords and pricing might deter a writer away. Here are the steps to get you started: 

Create a KDP account:

The first step is to get your KDP account up and working. You can sign in to an old account or sign up for a new one. After that, you will need to put your author and payment information. After that, it will create your account, and now on to the next step.

Add title and book description:

Before putting in the title, there will be two options given to you. An ebook or a paperback. After choosing the ebook option, you can put it in your title. The title is an important step. It will catch the eye of potential readers. You can also try to put keywords in your title, as long as it does not make it weird. The description on KDP is similar to the traditional publishing ones. It should be eye-catching and intriguing. Introduce the conflict and end it with a cliffhanger. It makes readers want to know what happened. However, remember not to give away too much through the description. The description box allows 4000 characters, so you get plenty to show your creativity. It also gives options for bold and italics. 

Keywords and categories:

The next step would be to choose keywords for your ebook. You can put in at most seven keywords for your ebook. Just because there are seven fields does not mean you have to put only seven words or phrases. The limit for each keyword is fifty characters. Use that. Write as long keywords as you want. These keywords will increase the chances of your ebook being discovered. Amazon provides two categories for each ebook. After your ebook is published, you can even get them added to additional categories. For that, contact KDP support, and you're good to go. More categories mean more chances for you to get discovered. 


The next step would be to format your manuscript in an epub version. There are many options for files but choosing the epub version is the best option. Formatting a book can be tricky. You can take help from a professional for that. It will give your ebook a professional finishing. No one likes poorly formatted ebooks. Now, upload your manuscript in the option' upload ebook manuscript'.


Upload a proper, well-designed cover for your ebook. It is another crucial step as it attracts potential readers. Ask a professional to create a professional cover for you. They have accurate ideas about industry trends. After that, you use the preview option to check if it all looks proper and good to go. If not, reupload the file with the appropriate manuscript. 

Pricing and royalty:

Amazon has two options: 35% and 70%. For the 70% royalty, you need to keep your price range between $2.99 to $9.99. Then, of course, you can opt for the more considerable price range, but the royalty will decrease significantly. Now, you can publish your ebook or save it as a draft. You also get an option to set it up for pre-order. Additionally, you can also pitch your ebook for KDP selection. It is all up to you. 

Amazon KDP is sometimes daunting with its keywords and algorithms. But once you crack the code, it is pretty simple. Remember, the key is to research a lot. Learn about Amazon, its algorithm, and your audience's needs.  

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Manik Chaturmutha