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How To Start Your First Novel

Many people have a dream of writing a book but few succeed. They say there is a book in everyone, so why doesn’t everyone write a book? The truth is that writing a novel takes time, determination and, above all, commitment. The process can be daunting, especially when real life gets in the way and restricts the time you can spend on creativity. But the accomplishment of anything starts with the first step. So where do you begin?

Decide which type of book you want to write. It is always best to write a novel that you yourself would like to read. You should choose a topic or genre that you enjoy. Will it be a fantasy novel or a period romance? Next step is to research your plot and write a quick outline. What message is your story trying to relay to the reader? This will become your guide, you will be constantly referring to this throughout the writing process. Nobody likes to read a novel that has no distinct storyline or message. So have clear guidelines and stick to them.

There are some clear questions to answer before you begin to write your novel. Once you decide on the genre, you need to decide the following. Who is your protagonist? What do they want to achieve? Who/What is stopping them in achieving their goal? Will they overcome adversity in the end? Is there a strong climax to your story. Do you include enough twists and turns in the plot to keep the reader’s attention?

Make your characters convincing and realistic. Once you decide on the plot, you must now create your main characters. I have written a previous article on how to create good characters so I will not repeat myself, but you will find that a good character will give you ideas on where the story takes you. What would they do in situation A? How would they react in situation B?

Write a detailed synopsis of your novel. Have you included an unanswered question at the end of each chapter? Once you understand the message the novel is conveying, ensure the plot moves towards this consistently. Are your subplots strong enough and do they support the main plot? The synopsis is usually a few paragraphs and includes the main character's role in the story, a brief outline describing the main elements of the plot and also the subplots. A good novel normally has no more than two or three subplots. Remember, if it does not enhance the story, then remove it.

Now begin with the first sentence. This has to grab the attention of the reader. How are you going to hook them? Then move on to the next sentence and so on. In time you will have your first paragraph. The first chapter is important and must set the tone for the entire novel.

Time is limited for everyone. But remember, everyone has 24 hours in a day so use them wisely. If you are a writer you will write. I wrote my first novel when my daughter was a newborn. I scribbled notes and plot lines wherever I was. I found the time because I am a writer. No matter if you write full time or not, if you are a writer you will write. Set yourself a writing target, whether it be 500 words or a thousand and stick to it. Remember, the book won’t write itself.

Get writing and good luck. 

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Lesley Jones