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How To Stop Being An Unhealthy Writer

Obviously, most writers lead sedentary lives. Writers barely move. Often, writers do not eat right. Writers are often alone and isolated. There is a solution. Enter the fitness and nutrition website known as

The website is totally free and not some type of Weight Watchers. Often, writers are not exactly wealthy enough to afford some type of Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, some fancy gym membership or the like. There are some really cool and free advantages for writers, specifically with Sparkpeople!

Each member gets their own Sparkpage. Design your Sparkpage however you like. This shows your personality. Use favorite photos, your own introduction, your status, etc.

One becomes a Sparkmember. Become Sparkfriends with whoever you choose. You can use whichever Sparkname that you want. You may search for Sparkfriends that are also writers!

To encourage and cheer each other on, you can give various Sparkgoodies to whichever Sparkmember you choose by spending Sparkpeople points one accumulates with different tasks. Again, doing so is free.

There are tons of Sparkrecipes. You can save your favorite recipes. Don't have time to cook as you have major writing to do? Why don't you look up some crockpot recipes? Leave the time and stress to cook dinner with that crockpot. Focus on your writing instead.

But, that is dessert. The meat and potatoes are as follows.

Every Sparkmember may write Sparkblogs, again for free! This is a super experience. This is a good way to blog about food, exercise and of course, writing.

Then, there is Sparkpeopletv. This feature allows one to watch and follow along with tons of exercises. Yes, there are chair exercises. So, exercise at your desk! No more excuses!

Finally, the grand finale. There are hundreds of Sparkteams! This is where you get that mega togetherness with alike people. For example, say you have an interest in religion. There are teams for religion. Say you like the Mediterranean diet. There are teams for that interest. Can you guess what is in store for you? The teams for writers!

The teams are as follows: The team "Writers' Support Group" lends support, accountability, and encouragement. The team "A Writer's World of Fitness" is a place for everyone who loves to write, be it serious or a hobby. The team "Writers" gives the inspiration to get healthy, get fit and get writing. The team "Tips For Writing and Aiming For A Healthier You" lends support for the amateur writer while focusing on becoming healthy. The team "The 10 Minute Writers" helps one get healthy in 10 minutes at a time each day as well as write in 10 minutes at a time each day. The team "Fit To Write" is a team that wants dedicated writers who need to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. As SparkGuy, the founder of always says, even if you only have 10 minutes a day to get in some movement, you are going to notice the difference. So, all of you writers, why not challenge yourself? Go to today!

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo