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How to Switch Between Your Creative Brain and Editing Brain

We've all been there. Writer's block. You sit down at your computer, ready to write 500 more words in your book today... and nothing happens. You try to pound out a couple hundred, but afterwards your new section jars with the flow that the rest of the book has to it. This happens a couple times in a row and you begin to wonder if you have lost the ability to write. Or if you ever had it at all. You worry about your mortgage, car payment, college loans, medical bills, reputation. You mourn over that dream vacation you're never gonna get now, and what your friends will say when you fail. You start scouring blog after blog about how to beat writer's block. Some just make you feel worse, or confirm your fears that if it doesn't "just come" to you, it never will. Hours and days wasted. Or, in extreme cases, you drop your book altogether.

When all you need to do is something so simple... you almost won't believe it works. Yes, it's like magic. But totally in your power to do.


Yes, you heard right. Lie down. And think about your book from that position. And be amazed as those juices kick into gear. For most people, it is a matter of seconds; for others, a couple of minutes. Just lie back. Relax. Mull over your subject or your characters. The setting or specifics. Let your mind wander. Maybe even bring your notebook or laptop next to you, so you can quickly jot down inspiration when it strikes.

Then, let's say you have finished your great work of literature, and you REALLY need to edit it... but the juices are flowing already for your next great book. What do you do?

Sit up very straight. Or stand tall. Then do some rote task while in that position (sort mail, wash dishes, straighten the books on your shelf, organize your desk, etc). This use of base motor skills and functional body posturing will kick your brain into organized gear in preparation for the "rote" task of editing your story for errors in punctuation, spelling, etc etc. It's as simple as: Right Brain = Horizontal. Left Brain = Vertical. Not sure why, but lying down connects you to your Right Brain and all the emotions, artsy-ness, and creativity contained within it. Standing or sitting up very straight (especially while doing a rote task) connects you with your Left Brain and all the motor skills, focus, and functionality for which it is renown.

Once you get the hang of this, you will want to use it for things other than writing. Have a high-pressure business meeting? Organize your material before you go in and sit as straight and angular as possible. Meeting with a friend in distress? Sit somewhere you can lean back a bit (rocking chair, plush couches, etc) or lie down (the lawn, the pool, etc) and talk from that position. You might be amazed at the results. And writer's block in your life is so busted.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Ashley Tetzlaff - old account