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How To Think Like A Writer

So, you want to write but have no clue where to begin. What made you want to start? That could be your starting point. If you are simply plum dry of topics, I have made a list of small things to do. I am not a novel writer, but I do know how to write articles. See what tips seem natural to you.

Take a memo pad with you everywhere you go. Note people, places and things. Are you at a coffee shop, the local fast-food chain, etc? Does the coffee smell good? Is the barista super nice? What do the people look like? 

Go to the local library and check out all kinds of magazines to read. Personally, I like Woman’s World and First For Women. Maybe you like Reader’s Digest or AARP?

Brainstorm. Connect ideas into articles which should be easy and even creative.

Take those rejection letters and make revision after revision. Making revisions may be time-consuming, but they are a job with a paycheck.

Are you an expert at something? Write all about your expertise in article after article. Look at your expertise from different angles.

Treat writing like a client. It is your duty to satisfy and make the client happy. For example, I was told to act as if I were submitting to a magazine.

Change gears and read something you would have never read. For example, I do not read romances. However, I have a Sarah Strohmeyer novel on my bookshelf that is waiting for me one day.

Don’t attempt to be like someone else. Yes, you might be in the same niche as another writer. However, use your own voice and challenge yourself.

Keep a journal for anything, especially gratitude.

Keep a writing jar. Write a bunch of ideas on little pieces of paper and toss them in a jar. Then pull a piece of paper out one at a time each day to work on. This is good especially if you want to be a blogger. Off the topic for a minute, this would be a good gift for the new writer that you know.

For a little concentration, put on some of your favorite music or even white noise. Sit at your favorite spot, whether your desk, kitchen table, bed, etc. Have your favorite food and drinks. In order to think like a writer, you need to feel comfortable. 

Don’t neglect your health either. With the life of a writer, sedentary life begins. Even if you walk around your house for 10 minutes a day, that is something. When you feel healthy it will show in your writing. On YouTube, there are many videos for chair exercises. I do not recommend chair yoga, as I did chair yoga once and almost fell asleep in the shower. 

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to write. Take your articles idea by idea. One of these tips should inspire a few beginners. I have done all of these tips except writing jars and journals, but plan on doing writing jars and journals soon.

Good luck. Write on!   

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo