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How to Use Facebook to Promote Your Self-published Book

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re already on Facebook. If you aren’t yet, consider signing up for an account now. It’s the biggest social networking site in the world with over a billion members. And if you’re a published author, it would be almost foolish for you to ignore Facebook to promote your self-published book. So what to do next? You should create a Facebook page either for you as an author or for your books specifically. Then think of a catchy but appropriate page name and username for branding purposes. The real challenge is building a fan base for your page and keeping them hooked to your page. Of course, having a well written book to begin with should be a given, but for all other considerations on how to use Facebook to promote your self-published book, here are some cool tips:

Attract new fans for your page by first asking your existing Facebook friends to like or follow it. You can post a short but enticing invitation on your personal profile wall with links to your book fan page.

Be a little provocative. Ask relevant questions that would start interesting discussions.

Update your status regularly by posting one or two in the morning and in the afternoon. Just be careful about posting too many updates as it would seem like you are spamming. Also mind what you post because these will show on your fans' walls.

Grab attention by highlighting a special post every once in a while. To do this, hover on the post and click the star that shows.

Avoid self-serving updates. If the book you want to promote is about food, you can post cooking tips, food quotes or interesting food trivia as status updates.

Make sure to include on your Facebook author page links to your personal page and to websites where your book is on sale.

Post pictures and videos as well, not just text when sharing content with your book page fans. A good example is to share your video, inviting them to attend your book signing event.

Host a contest. Everyone loves to participate and be given a chance to win in a contest. Giving away a copy of your book as a prize should generate interest and discussions about your book.

Make sure to welcome everyone’s comments, even those who criticize your work should be given courtesy replies like, “I appreciate your feedback.”

To ensure maximum visibility, use the pin-on-top feature to promote your post. To do this, hover on the post then click the pin-on-top icon.

In the end, while coming up with ways on how to use Facebook to promote your book, have genuine fun with people who liked your page. The last thing they want is a feeling of being sold anything. All it takes for them is to click the 'unlike’ button once they feel that you’re just operating a self-serving advertisement ploy.