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How to Use the Media in Selling Your Book

You have just published your first book and now the difficult part is here and you need to sell it. However, in order for you to do so you need to promote it and in order for you to promote it you need the help of the media. So how can they help?

Before you approach them, write a compelling press release. Make sure that you present the facts and not your opinion. So the press release should include your name, title of book, a general synopsis (not retelling the entire plot), where the book can be bought or downloaded from, and a little bit about yourself as an author, although keep this to a minimum. It’s a good idea to include any links to your author website and social media sites as well. That is all. Please do not add how wonderful the book is or that it is a ‘must read’ as every author will say this about their own book so this will hold no weight at all.

Once you have written your press release, where do you send it? As an independently published author the obvious choices are local bookstores, libraries, radio and television stations, newspapers and magazine publishers who specify in your chosen genre.

Before you send the press release, try to talk to someone there if you can. Then when they receive the press release they will be able to identify with the person that they spoke to. It is also a good idea if possible to make an appointment to actually meet with the person as this will give you a better chance of being promoted. They will have a better feel for who you actually are and what you represent if they have a face to face discussion with you. You are also harder to ignore than an email.

Once they have agreed to promote your book, you then need to decide on how they are going to do this. Will they write about you as an author? Will they advertise your book? Will they conduct an interview or organise a Q & A session? There are many avenues open to you and you need to discuss them all and come to a joint decision that you are happy with.

As well as local media, do not forget the online news sites which have a huge presence and impact as they can be especially useful if you have a non-fiction book.

Another option available when using the media is to offer to write a guest column or to review books in the local paper or online blogs and columns. This will help to get your name and face known, especially in the local papers and, for a relatively short amount of your time, give you free publicity.

So start contacting the media and get your book out there and sold.