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Important Tips For Authors Using Social Media

We all know that social media can be used to create huge followings for authors and to interact with their audiences. But is there a good or bad way to use social media as an author? Using social media has no formula but there are some steps that can increase its effectiveness. The following are some tips that authors can use with their social media strategies.

Use the big networks

It is hard to decide which social media networks to use since there are so many. Deciding which networks to give more attention than others is also not easy. It helps to think about your objectives. For instance, if you want to get more recognition as a writer, you should use Facebook and Twitter. However, Google+ and Tumblr are also growing in popularity. Other big social networks can also be used for other things.

Interact enthusiastically

It makes little sense for you to be in social media but not interacting with your connections. As an author, you need to be talking to people as much as you can. This will help you to know what your readers are thinking. Your readers will also know that you care about them and not just their money. This is hard to do if you don’t interact with them personally. Engaging people is one great way to keep them around.

Don’t over-promote yourself

Although social media can be used to promote your books, you should avoid the temptation to take every chance to promote yourself. Your followers already know about your works and they certainly don’t appreciate being reminded every time.

Think about your followers’ privacy and comfort levels

When using social media, it is important to remember that many things posted online become visible to everyone. Therefore, make sure that communication with your followers is always respectful. Avoid being pulled into battles of words with followers even if they are the ones spreading negative opinions about you. It is always better to be silent than to tarnish your name by fighting back.

Find your sweet spot

Social media is a mixed bag of extreme emotions. You should avoid extremes when interacting with people in social media. Being a drama queen in social media will make people avoid you like the plague. It is important to speak your mind, but sometimes you have to handle situations with tact and diplomacy.

Create valuable connections

With social media you enjoy endless networking possibilities. You should use this to make connections with important people such as authors you admire. From social media networks you can discover people who have the same interests as yours. It is also a great place to pick up valuable opinions from important people.

Never neglect your accounts

Even if you don’t have plans to post on your social media networks, make sure that your presence will still be felt. Log into your accounts, change things like your profile pictures and cover photos so that people will still know you are around. The best way to manage your social media presence is to dedicate some time every day and subdivide it among the various social networks.