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Inspiration For Writer's Block

Writer’s block is a fact of life for every writer of every style and genre. When writer’s block strikes, it has many different ways of affecting each writer. Some never recover, opting to quit writing altogether while others will find some very simple ways to get themselves started again.

While there are some common ways to get your brain into writing mode that may help with writer's block, there are also some ways that may not be considered a useful tool to solve this pesky problem for authors. Trying different methods is worth it because every writer’s style is different and unique which means every writer needs a different kind of inspiration to get started.

For example: an author could keep a journal of thoughts and random ideas to reference and attempt to build a story from that or do some research on an interesting topic to spark off ideas. Brainstorming about anything at all may actually help because sometimes the simple act of preparation can get the idea pool to swirl and motivate a good thought process. Another good way to get the writing process started is by simply looking at a photograph (this is my personal favorite method to rid myself of writer’s block) and jotting down simple things like what the day was like when the picture was taken, what events led to the photo being taken and why it is so important, then weave those ideas into any story the writer wants.

Although these methods may help one writer, that does not necessarily mean it will help another, but when the mood to write hits, it can be frustrating and overwhelming when the author’s production is all but non-existent and having some good ways to break the brain’s silence can be very helpful.

“Finding Your Inspiration” is not as easy as it sounds. Life can actually get in the way of such a simple thing as generating an idea from the brain and turning it into a written work. Personal emotions, injuries, typical daily problems in life as well as simple family events can alter the ideas that a writer depends on to get themselves started. Sometimes, if a writer can take a simple ‘time out’ for a moment, they may very well be able to take the things that have made their writer’s block impassible and turn them into the fuel that drives the plot of their next work.

While it is true that anything can really cause a short or long term writer’s block, it does not have to be permanent. The key to unblocking may be hidden in the simple task of identifying and writing about what blocked them in the first place. That does not necessarily mean the author has to publish that work. Simply putting it down on paper to gain perspective can set the wheels in motion for inspiration to strike, allowing the writer to not only remove their block but to also assess the original problem and either erase it, change it or simply understand it on a more fundamental level that will help open their mind and release the anxiety and frustration that blocked them in the first place.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Amy Raines