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Jamaican Monsters

In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I wrote about how to write a unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching myths and legends in other cultures to find something that has a rich history surrounding it, but that is not considered modern. One of the countries that have some unique myths is Jamaica. Jamaica is an island country in the Caribbean with lush mountains and beautiful beaches lined with coral reefs.


Duppies are restless spirits that can be either good or bad. A good duppy is typically the spirit of a family member or friend that visits those they cared about in life in dreams. Bad duppies, however, can cause physical and mental harm to those they choose as their victims. A high pitched voice, the feeling of unexplained heat, and a massive headache can identify the presence of a duppy. Duppies can be warded off with salt and avoided by a person wearing their clothes inside out.

Rolling Calf

A Rolling Calf is a monster from Jamaican folklore that has the appearance of a calf with blood red eyes and a massive chain that it drags behind itself. This creature only appears at night and is believed to have been born from the death of evil butchers. These Rolling Calfs will block the path of unwary travelers at night and hunt them with the intention of killing them. The only known ways to avoid death by a Rolling Calf, once it chooses a victim, is by dropping random items that it will stop to count before continuing its pursuit, lose it at a crossroads, or stab a penknife into the ground in front of it.

Ol’ Hige or Sukuyan

Ol’ Hige, also known as Sukuyan, is a witch that sheds her skin at night to assume the form of an owl. In owl form, she flies around and sucks out the life breath of sleeping people, leaving them to suffocate in their sleep with no hope of regaining their breath. The witch has a particular taste for baby’s breath and will often choose an infant as her victim over an adult. The only known way to kill her is to find her skin and cover it in salt and pepper so that when she puts her skin back on, she will burn to death.

River Mumma

River Mumma is a female water spirit that lives within rivers and guards water from pollution and those that would litter within the water she protects. She lures those that disrespect the water she protects to the water with a golden comb on the riverbank. Then. when her victim comes to get the comb, she strikes and drags her victim into a watery grave. Those that wish to cross River Mumma’s water unharmed are required to make a sacrifice to her to ensure safe passage. During times of drought, River Mumma can be bargained with to provide water to those willing to make sacrifices to her.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke