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Journal Prompts for the Modern Witch (or anyone, really)

I incorporate a lot of my writing into my witchcraft practice and celebrations, usually when I am writing spells or rituals to perform. But often now I find myself doing a lot more on the down-low and writing more in my journal. Remembering the past harvest seasons, as winter draws nearer, I wanted to share the prompts I set up for myself from past sabbat: Lughnasadh.

A little good-to-know information:

Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, is the first of three harvest festivals. Falling on August first, it marks the halfway point between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox. Many people celebrate by baking bread and playing games.

Now on to the prompts!

Lughnasadh: (the first harvest)

1. Lughnasadh is the first of three harvests, where we gather what we have sown the months before. Just like you would gather the physical fruits of the crop, I want you to think about the metaphorical fruits of your own crop: What goals did you set for yourself back in February? Has your work toward them met your deadline, surpassed it, fallen behind? Are you happy with your journey so far to achieve your goals?

2. The days around Lammas are still bright and full of sunshine, but they are getting shorter and darker hours will eventually follow as the seasons grow colder. These two prompts are asking you to be more self-aware and will hopefully allow you to learn more about yourself: When you feel or notice a darker hour setting in on your life, whether it be emotional, mental, or physical, how do you go about handling it? Do you take steps to prevent it or to make its stay less of a problem?

3. Now is the perfect time to perform abundance spells, and if spells aren’t your thing, take a moment to just reflect and ponder on the following questions: What are some things you wish to draw more of into your life? How would an abundance of those things benefit you?

4. Lammas is also known for being a feast of bread, made from the grains that were harvested after their long days of growing in the heat. Like all things, we as people grow, whether it be through age, knowledge, or fondness. How have you grown in the past six months? Are you the same person you were at this time last year?

Despite me having written these prompts for a holiday most people are not familiar with unless they, too, are Pagan or witches, I still think they make for a wonderful at-home therapy session. They allow you to tune into yourself, to reflect, and to see your goals clearly once again. If you are one of those people who make New Year resolutions, these prompts are bound to get you focused on what you set for yourselves. Maybe you got off track, forgot, or are even going above and beyond what you hoped!

All in all, I hope these prompts helped in some way or another. Remember to take care of yourself!

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin E. Williams