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Keep True Stories Straight

When writing a non-fictional story about your own personal life events, it is important to remember that the story still needs to remain in order. The minor exceptions to this are when a specific portion of the story relates to other relevant memories or flashbacks that add to the point you are trying to make. If any story bounces around from time and place too much, the point of the story can become muddled up or lost altogether.

It is important to keep in mind that any story has to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. What’s more is that every story has to have a plot, a point and/or a main idea. This is true of all stories, regardless of genre, length or word count. It is worth pointing out that the need for clear direction in a story is compounded when writing a memoir, biography, or autobiography.

When you consider the fact that true stories that recount your personal life rarely contain an actual plot, you will see that making specific points or ideas clear becomes more important. When a personal story is told in a way that jumps from one event to another when neither has any real connection except the person who lives it, the story can quickly become confusing or pointless to a reader.

Your target audience has to be considered, no matter what you are writing. it is important to remember that a lot of readers will bypass the non-fiction section and head straight for other genres unless they have specific things to look for. This means that your biography or memoir has to stand out to catch a reader’s attention.

Your life is your life but when you turn the events of your life into written words, the entire process gets a little more complex. It may come as a surprise that writing about your own life can be a difficult thing to do but it really can be hard depending on what you have lived through. Some writers choose to skip certain events because they are too uncomfortable with putting them into words. Others will push on through the most painful memories, no matter how hard it is to put into words.

It is relatively safe to say that what you write about your own personal life really does depend on what you are comfortable with sharing. Whatever you do choose to write about should be written in a coherent and orderly fashion.

A lot of biographers state their reasons for writing their life stories in the first chapter which is a great way to draw your reader into your story. To keep the reader interested, you should make sure to be honest about how you felt or responded to specific situations. This helps the reader become acquainted with you, thereby developing a relationship with your story.

The whole point in writing your personal story is to share it with others. You may be trying to explain why certain events took place or give clarification on historical events or maybe you just want to let the world know that you were here. It doesn’t make a difference why you chose to write, what matters is that you feel you have something to share.

Remember, keep your story straight and avoid bouncing around too much. Make sure your story has clear and concise points that develop into some kind of meaning or lesson as your story moves along. Don’t forget that even a true story is still a story and must have a good beginning, middle, and end. Share what you are comfortable with writing and be careful that the things you leave out don’t take too much away from what you are trying to say. Don’t forget that by the time the reader finishes the book they should feel almost as if they know or at least understand you and why you chose to write your story.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Amy Raines