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Keep Writing Organized

All types of writing are very different in style (articles, books, essays, screenplays, reviews and of course book manuscripts), however, the way a writer organizes their thoughts and workspace can have a lot of impact on the writing process as well as the finished manuscript.

For example, any kind of writing needs rereading, proof reading, editing, spelling checks, grammar checks and revising. It is generally a good idea to repeat this process a couple of times just to be sure that there are no mistakes or at least the fewest possible mistakes.

Another good idea is to keep things organized from the very beginning. Have everything ready: the computer, the printer, pens, pencils, paper, erasers and white out. Part of staying organized is keeping tabs on every aspect of the writing process.

Keep a folder on the computer screen with a couple other folders in that one with labels that clearly state what the folder is for. For example the main folder could simply be labeled ‘Reading And Writing’ with the other folders inside labeled ‘reference sites’, ‘rejected ideas’, ‘books to review’, ‘completed reviews’, ‘not yet posted reviews’. (This one comes in especially handy if a reviewer completes a review of a short book but can not post it yet due to time allotment) Each time the writer finds a good reference or completes a specific task, moving it to the corresponding folder will keep things in order and the writer will be able to find it again quickly at a later time if necessary.

When saving references for any writing purpose, it is a good idea to not only save the name of the website but also the specific location via hyperlink. This can be done by simply opening a word document, then copy and paste the hyperlink after a label with the name of the website so that it is easy to remember what the link is for.

Most authors write because writing is an outlet for self expression and because there is generally a passion for the written word, yet the process still takes a lot of hard work like research, writing things by hand, printing some articles out, referencing any outside sources, proofreading, editing, revising and then repeating some of the process over again.

The point is that even though writing is fun, even with all the extra things that must be done throughout the writing process, keeping everything organized from beginning to end can dramatically change how grueling and time consuming some of the extra tasks can be. It may seem very cliched but something so simple as keeping a checklist from the very beginning can help, taking notes and keeping a journal can be quite useful ideas as well because the notes and entries can be referenced later and keep the thought processes going during the actual writing.

In conclusion, regardless of what the author is writing or how well the writer enjoys the job, it can be a long and drawn out process but staying organized and keeping track of every resource will inevitably make for a better writing experience that will come more naturally for the author because they will not have to search for anything - everything will already be handy which will shorten the writing time and still produce a well written manuscript.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Amy Raines