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Killers of Creativity Every Writer Should Watch Out For - Part 3

 A negative mindset

Optimism breaks the barriers for creativity to set in. If you have a negative mindset, it will destroy creativity. To develop new styles and ideas in your writing, you need to have a positive perspective so that you can allow yourself to venture into what is unfamiliar to you. Continuously remind yourself of times you decided to try something new and the results were more than you could have imagined. Let such experiences build courage in you to try new things. After all, even if it does not work out, you can still be proud of yourself for trying and learning what works and what may not work for you in the future.

 Surrounding yourself with critics

Even if you are a highly positive-minded person, surrounding yourself with people who do not believe in your work will ultimately destroy your optimism. Choosing what to listen to or not is important in ensuring that you continue writing and exploring new paths. Assessing the type people we surround ourselves with is sometimes more important than even being optimistic ourselves. If you surround yourself with the right people, they will encourage you even in times you want to quit.

 Assuming creativity is a feeling

Creativity is a decision to see things differently than you have been seeing them. It takes will and effort to push yourself to start something new and find new solutions to problems you have identified. Creativity requires intentionality. Spare a few moments in your schedule to look at your work from different angles and see what works best even for ideas that you have never considered before. Try having new conversations with yourself and see where they will lead.


Another barrier to creativity is comfort. Are there times that you have fallen into a comfortable routine when what you have achieved so far is just enough? Comfort can be a killer of creativity as it blocks you from seeing your work from a fresh perspective. Take calculated risks when you start getting comfortable to keep your momentum going. Additionally, when obstacles arise that shake up the routine that you are used to, see it as an opportunity for change and creativity. You never know how good you are with coming up with solutions unless you face challenges that help you rethink how you have been doing things in the past.

Rationalizing instead of seeking solutions

Many times as writers we get stuck by trying to explain why things happened as they did instead of seeking solutions for the issues we are facing. We accept things as they are and try to move forward. While not every barrier has a solution, and even though sometimes we have to let things go, sometimes when things do not turn out the way we hoped for, we can still achieve our intended goal through being creative and seeking new answers.

Remaining creative is an on-going process and sometimes we may not always get it right. When we allow ourselves opportunities from time to time to be creative, we discover our potential and what we can achieve.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu