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Knowing and Reaching your Audience - Part 1

A critical part of the writing process is knowing your audience as a writer. Sometimes this is clear but, for many writers, it is not always easy to identify the specific audience you intend to write for. There are tips discussed in this article that could help any writer overcome this particular obstacle and create pieces that are focused and are directed to specific groups.

It is important first to understand why you need to target a particular group. The most obvious one is that writing becomes focused and clear when you know who you are writing for. For instance, if you intend to write a children’s book, you will definitely stay clear of adult themes. If you intend to write a romantic tale, the themes of love, conflict and overcoming obstacles should definitely appear in your work. When you know who you are writing for, you will know which story to tell.

Another great advantage of knowing your audience is that this makes it easier in the marketing process of your book or piece. A reader who is a fan of motivational non-fiction books will easily pick your book if it falls into this genre, unlike if it contained a more general theme.

Goal-setting and Planning

Before writing your article or book, clearly establish who you are writing for. If you are working on contract, it is always better to ask your client who they intend the readers of the work to be before embarking on writing. What you may have in mind may completely differ with what they have in mind so it is always easier to just ask for the sake of clarity and to avoid disappointment. If it is your own work, be sure of the genre you want your book to belong to. Some genres can be blended together but one should always stand out. For instance, you can include a romantic plot in a science fiction book. Depending on which features are more prominent, the book gets its genre.

Obtain Feedback

Establish what your readers want, what they look for in a book and what makes them pick one book over another. What could be important to you may not be necessarily important for them and, as much as you are writing the book for yourself, it is always crucial to keep in mind that the final goal is to have your book in a stranger’s hands who will find it irresistible. It is great to have family and friends congratulate you on your book but that is sometimes not enough if your intention was to reach more people.

There are different options available for authors who want to solicit feedback from authors. This could range from seeking reviews to obtaining feedback on your book from social media platforms, i.e. from readers who have read your past or current work.

Inspiring an Audience

When it comes to reaching your audience, an important consideration should be how you intend to inspire them. What new ideas are you proposing, how is your work different? What are you offering the reader that is different from any other similar books?

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu