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Kuwait Mythical Monsters

In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I wrote about how to write a unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching myths and legends in other cultures to find something that has a rich history surrounding it, but that is not considered modern. One of the countries with some unique myths is Kuwait. Kuwait is an Arab country located on the Arabian Gulf.

Hemarat Algayla

Hemarat Algayla is a monster with the body of a human female, but the neck and head of a donkey; the neck and head are generally cream colored with red markings on the cheeks and neck. Hemarat Algayla is a monster that sleeps for most of the day and night, but always wakes in time to hunt at noon when the sun is high in the sky. The monster’s choice of prey is not animals, but children who leave their dwellings and go out to play in the sun. Hemarat Algayla typically hides in the shadows until she spots one or two children who are outside. Then, when no adults are around, she snatches them and brings them back to her home where she will feed on them. Sometimes she will return their corpses to where she kidnapped them.


Tantal is in some ways the opposite of Hemarat Algayla because while Hemarat Algayla hunts at noon, Tantal hunts only at night. Tantal was well known for stealing away any child that it spotted that was out after dark alone. Tantal does not eat children, but instead feeds off their fear. To do this, Tantal takes the form of whatever the child fears most and chases the child until the child drops dead from their heart giving out from fear. Tantal's main form is believed to be that of a translucent old man.


Al-Seolu was once a Nubian slave who came back to life with giant teeth and a great hunger. The only thing that can satiate the great hunger of Al-Seolu is human children. So to satiate his hunger, Al-Seolu hunts for children who are out alone after night near the seashore and drowns them; then once they are dead, he eats their corpses and leaves only bones behind.

Himarat Al-Gayla

Himarat Al-Gayla is a grotesque, unkempt old woman, who some believe to have the look of a witch, can fly with the help of a palm frond (also known as a palm leaf). Himarat Al-Gayla has been known to frighten badly behaved children who disobey their parents, but she has never actually harmed anyone.

Bu Darya

Bu Darya is a monster that is well known to the sailors of Kuwait as it is a monster that is half human and half fish that calls the high seas home. At night Bu Darya will swim to the surface near boats and thrash about in the water while screaming for help. Once a sailor goes to assist what they believe to be a drowning human, Bu Darya will grab the sailor and drag the would-be rescuer down under the water where Bu Darya holds the rescuer until dead.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke