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Learning How to Speed Read – Part 2

Welcome back. It's time to start learning how to speed read so in this part we are going to be looking at the process of learning how to speed read. That process involves four steps:

Learn the correct techniques for speed reading

This is the obvious starting point – learning the techniques and we will be looking at one at a time.

Practice the correct techniques for speed reading

Practice is vital so, once you learn a new technique, you must practice it until you understand it and it starts to happen automatically.

Practice reading a good deal faster than you can currently comprehend

Once you have learned and practiced the technique at normal speed, you are going to ramp things up and practice at a very fast pace – this must be fast enough that you can hardly take in anything that you read. Why would you want to do this? What would be the point? Because you are teaching your brain how to process way more information than it can the way you read now.

Let me put it this way – you currently read at a speed of 2-300 words per minute and your brain has not been given the opportunity to comprehend any more information than that. By reading at a speed of 10 times your normal speed, your brain will falter to start with, but given time and lots of practice, it will catch up; your muscle memory will begin changing as will your eye movements and your brain wiring will also switch to comprehend more information.

Make this technique into your new habit and then focus on the comprehension

When you practice something enough, eventually it will become a habit. With speed reading, when you practice you are not concentrating so much on the reading as on your eye movements. By learning how to move your eyes more efficiently, you will become faster and better at reading.

It will be uncomfortable to begin with, as is anything new that you start learning. It will feel somewhat clunky and odd, but that’s fine, it's all part of learning. As you get better and learn to master your eye movements, it will feel smoother and more natural and that is when the benefits start kicking in.

The last thing you will do is make your new technique into a habit for life.

To end this part, let’s look at some of the benefits of speed reading, to give you a bit of encouragement to continue.

The Benefits

Time-saving – think about the time you could save over the years if you could read faster! What could you do with that time?

Increased brain power – the more your brain can comprehend in a short time, the more powerful it becomes.

Better concentration and comprehension – if you can learn to comprehend what you read in a book much quicker, you can take that outside of reading. Your concentration levels will be a lot higher and you will take in more of what you see around you as well.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds