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Literary Agents’ Perspectives on the New Trend in Young Adult Writing

Young adult writing is taking the world by storm. The growth of young adult writing has become stronger in the past few years. Young adult books are mainly for teenagers as well as pre-teenagers. The ages are usually in the 12 to 18 category. Strangely, more than half of young adult books or novels sold are bought by adults aged 18 or older. The genre that was first thought to be geared towards a young demographic resonates surprisingly well with an older audience too. There are many options to consider when writing for the young adult genre. Here are some literary agents’ perspectives on the new trend in young adult writing.

Think Like a Teen: One tip to get into the new trend in young adult writing is to think like a teen. Some authors don’t actually set out to be a young adult writer at first. Sometimes it just happens or they naturally gravitate towards a younger audience. Some books even start out designed for adults, but at some point become geared towards young adults. These books don’t necessarily have to be about teens, but the perspective should be seen through the eyes of teens to really classify it in the young adult category.

Understand the Teen Experience: Another tip is to find the emotional truth of a teenage experience. When readers relate to what the author is saying, the connection is much more solid and heartfelt. It’s one of the reasons why some young adult books are on the best seller lists for weeks on end. When readers go through what the characters in the book go through, it gives off a more tangible experience. There is an emotional truth to it. Things like issues about who they are, who they are trying to be, what they should and should not do, are all things that people deal with in their own ways in real life. The character in a book, for example, may not make the most rational decision, but it will make sense to the reader because they understand the emotional roller coaster that the character is going through.

Use the Teen Perspective: Common among those who are successful in joining the new trend in young adult writing is that they get the actual perspective of teens. Sometimes, authors gravitate towards a more adult way of thinking which takes away from the young adult genre. By having the perspective of a teenager, it is easier to stay on track as the target audience is already there to help guide how the book’s experience should be like. Having the current experience and knowledge of a teenager can provide really good insight.

There is a certain freedom when writing for young adults and one of the reasons it appeals to the older demographic is because it can be a nostalgic feeling for readers or a nice change of pace.