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Literary and Stylistic Study: Differences in Literature Study

There are different ways to write and interpret literary works. For one, you have to understand the difference between literary and stylistic study in literature. This article will give you a quick look on both types of literature study to help you understand these two concepts.

Stylistic study may focus on methods and outlines in constructing a speech or lingo to individuals. On the other hand, literary criticism may propose a theoretical approach.

Stylistics Study

Your verbal communication can be done in a non figurative way. This means that your language should be portrayed in a creative way. For instance, this may contain images or figures.

Objects from outside of the current place. For this, you need to explore other places for you to get the information.

Consistency. Your data should be the same from the first to the end.

Model individual. In this way, you need to talk and give advice to others. For this, you can be an ideal speaker.

Audience or listener. These are the people who can only listen and study about the topic.

Generic. This study can either be understandable by the general public.

Relationships of words. This means that the initial study and the final study would be connected with each other. For instance, a hen will lay eggs and after 21 days, the eggs will hatch and the chicks will come out, and become chickens in a few months, then the cycle goes on.

Literary Study

This is about factual information. This is from a reliable book or newspaper.

Information is limited to a number of literal materials.

Sequential. This means that the information is happening from time to time. This means that you are not allowed to study on the advanced level, you need to start from the beginning.

True writer. Every information is expressed through writings.

Comprehensive reader. For you to get information, you need to read more resources. Here is where you can use your resourcefulness.

Not ordinary. This means that the study is unique, without similarities to others.

Genre categories. This shows that the study has different fields.

Aside from the above, literary study is opinionated, more on descriptive information. In short, data is not that accurate since there are no ideas to support the theory, for example, individual reaction in a certain situation. While stylistic study is another method of getting information with supporting documents. All the ideas are chronologically arranged. This means that there is a standard sequence that they are following.

One who conducts a literary study is constructing or searching for an explanation of an individual test, while the other one who goes for stylistic study can interpret the data through the analysis in all texts. A literary individual would admit that he should not have preference for some genres because it will not lead to their purpose. While, a stylistic person prefers to write down notes and analyze the information through theoretic studies. Sometimes the study of the two is dependent on whether an individual is interested in what approach they are going use.