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Maintaining The Momentum After You Launch Your Book

When you launch a book, there is usually a lot of buzz about it but if you are not careful, people might soon forget about it. Your promotional campaign should not end when you launch the book. On the contrary, when the book is launched, you should be preparing to renew your efforts in marketing the book. The following are some of the ways you can use to keep people buying and talking about your book.

Make sure it is easy to buy: You might have written a fantastic book and moved heaven and earth to make sure that people know about it. However, you must make sure that any person who wants to buy the book can easily do so. On your author website, you should make a list of all the places where people can buy your book. Provide direct links that will take people to your listing at every retailer. If you have made deals with brick-and-mortar bookstores to sell your book, you should also include every store where people can buy your book.

Link the book to trending topics: Your blog and author website should have articles that are related to your books. When you have already launched the book, you should write articles that tie your book’s topics to current popular trends. Make sure that you include keywords to help people find you with search engines.

Use free promotion websites: There are many websites where you can promote your book free of charge. You should find these sites and post adverts of your book on as many as you can.

Time your releases: Some times are better to release a book than others. For instance, you should release your book when people are expecting an important news event such as a trade show or a blockbuster movie. During this time, people will be more alert and they are more likely to notice your book launch.

Acquire some copy writing skills: When you are promoting a book, you should be doing more than just storytelling. You should also be encouraging your audience to take action and buy the book. You should try to learn a thing or two from copywriters to turn your audience into buyers.

Think outside the box: It makes sense for you to get marketing tips from people within your industry. However, you could learn many important things from people in a different industry. People such as musicians and small business owners can give you valuable tips that you can apply in the publishing industry for great results.

Create press releases: You should write great press releases that enable reporters to understand the value of your story. Make sure that the reason for your announcement is clear and that your audience understands why they should care about what you are saying. You should not only make press releases during the launch of a book. Whenever you have important things to say concerning your book, you should consider writing press releases. When people keep hearing about your book, they will continue to talk and recommend it. You might also convince new readers to buy the book.