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Monsters and Creatures from Greek Myths Part 1

In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I wrote about how to write a unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching myths and legends in other cultures to find something that has a rich history surrounding it, but that is not considered modern. One of the countries that have some unique myths is Greece. Greece’s history has many ancient myths filled with monsters and creatures.



Scylla was a sea monster that was known to live in narrow water channels; Scylla could sometimes be seen perched on the rocks above narrow water channels. From this perch, Scylla could easily see ships that planned to use the channel she called home. She could use her control over the water to destroy any ship that drifted too close. Scylla had six heads with long necks; each head had three rows of razor sharp teeth; her body was that of a giant crab shell, and she had twelve feet, and her voice was once described as sounding like the yelping of dogs. Those unlucky souls that managed to survive a shipwreck caused by Scylla would soon find Scylla coming down on them, looking to tear them to pieces.


Sirens are the most beautiful of the many sea monsters from Greek legend as they had the appearance of beautiful women with the body of a bird and large stunning wings. A siren’s song lures men to abandon the safety of their ships in order to follow the song all the way to the singer. Once the siren’s song has been heard, it became impossible for a man to resist following it of his own will and all who follow the song are never seen again. It is unknown if the sirens eat those that they lure to them or if the sirens do not eat and thus have no food to give to those that come to them.


The Minotaur was born as a normal babe; however, King Minos’ cruelty caused the babe to be cursed with a monstrous appearance and a personality to match. King Minos could not kill his own child so that babe quickly grew to an enormous size and by the time the child reached adulthood it had the appearance of a bull on two legs. In order to protect himself and his people, King Minos had Daedalus build a Labyrinth to contain his son and to use his son as an executioner for any who acted against him. Those sent into the Labyrinth could be heard screaming by those on the outside as the Minotaur would slaughter them without mercy.


Medusa was once a beautiful woman who promised celibacy and service to Athena. However, when Medusa fell in love with Poseidon, she forsook those promises and in punishment Athena cursed her. The curse turned Medusa’s skin green, her eyes red, her hair into live poisonous snakes, and caused Medusa to turn anyone she looked at into stone. Angered by her new appearance, Medusa’s once kind personality quickly changed to match her monstrous look.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke