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Monsters and Creatures of Albanian Myth

In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I wrote about how to write a unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching myths and legends in other cultures to unearth something that has a rich history surrounding it, but that is not considered modern. One of the countries that have some unique and old mythical creatures is Albania.


Bolla is a type of dragon that was believed to have lived in Albania. Bolla is a snake-like dragon and is described as having the body of a giant snake, but the wings of a dragon. Bolla slumbers in Albania in a deep sleep on all days except Saint George’s Day. For on Saint George’s Day, Bolla opens its giant eyes and will devour the first human it sees. This cycle continues for twelve years until Bolla has devoured the bodies of twelve humans. In its thirteenth year, Bolla transforms into Kulshedra.


Kulshedra is the evolved form of the monster known as Bolla. Kulshedra is three times the size of Bolla and has nine tongues and the ability to breath fire. Kulshedra can also assume the form of a female giant with hanging breasts and a hairy body. In this form, Kulshedra can communicate with humans and demands human sacrifices in exchange for ending water shortages. Those unlucky enough to be chosen as the sacrifices find themselves either burned alive from Kulshedra’s flames or swallowed whole and alive. If sacrifices are not provided when demanded, then the inhabitants of the villages surrounding Kulshedra’s home often find themselves dying from dehydration as Kulshedra’s rage at being denied often makes her cause droughts until her demands are met or all that defied her lie dead or dying from thirst.

Xindhi and Xindha

The Xindhi are male elves and the Xindha are female elves; both genders were believed to live in Albania and could be identified by the creaking of a door or a flickering flame that heralded their approach. These elves can be kind or cruel, depending on the individual elf’s personality and the human they encounter. Some have been known to offer a kindness to those they take a fancy to, while others have been known to cause cruel accidents that lead to massive amounts of pain and humiliation, if not death to those that they dislike.


The Ora is a race of protective spirits that choose a human child to protect at the time of the child’s birth. The Ora’s appearance depends on the personality of the human they choose to protect, as a lazy human will have an Ora with a black face while humans who are courageous and intelligent have an Ora with a white face.


Kukuth are ancient Albanian demons of the female gender who in life were considered to be a Scrooge or a miser. In death, these unhappy souls find themselves transformed into evil demons who can never find peace or rest. In their anger at being denied the peace that they believe they were owed, these demons spread sickness and plague everywhere they go.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke