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Mythical Monsters and Creatures of China Part 1

In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I wrote about how to write a unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching myths and legends in other cultures to find something that has a rich history surrounding it, but that is not considered modern. One of the countries that have some unique myths is China. China, also known as the People's Republic of China, is an East Asian country, is the country with the highest population in the world, and it is the fourth largest country in the world.


Kui is an ox creature that was born in the Liubo Mountain on the East China Sea. Kui was born with only one leg and the body of a gray cow; even with only one leg, Kui manages to stand tall and proud. Kui was known to be a signal of storms to come as when a storm is on its way Kui’s body would shine like the sun and thrum like thunder. Kui was seen as a sign to prepare for a storm until the Yellow Emperor managed to kill Kui and used Kui’s skin to make a drum that when beaten could be heard from 500 meters away no matter how softly it was beaten.

Feng Huang

Feng Huang, also known as a Phoenix, is one of the top four most famous creatures of Chinese mythology. Feng Huang was born of fire and any fire made by Feng Huang is said to be a mystical sight. Feng Huang is seen as a symbol of sun, warmth, summer, and harvest. Feng Huang can be male or female and two males and one female are said to be a symbol of love eternal and a good omen for all those who witness such a sight.


Xiezhi is a creature that has the head of a unicorn, the body of a wingless dragon, and blue flames for skin with the intelligence to surpass humans. Xiezhi is able to sense right and wrong and has been known to use this sense to destroy the wicked. Xiezhi's preferred methods of dealing with the wicked are to bite them and to then gorge on them until the wicked one bleeds to death. Xiezhi shows no mercy when dealing with the wicked, but has never harmed an innocent.


Hou is the son of the Dragon King and has the appearance of a lion with two long ears that stretch to its legs. Hou sits on only the highest columns and transmits the voice from the heavens to the people below.


Bifang is a mythical bird with the appearance of a crane with a white beak, one foot, and a red flame upon its head. Bifang feasts only on fire and will not eat anything else. Bifang has the ability to sense fire and can feel where a fire will come to be. The appearance of Bifang means that fire will soon appear.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke